RT @frontlinekit
Big thanks today to those who joined our fight in raising funds for the #MillionMealsMarch campaign.
#millionmealsmarch #togetherwewillwin
Big thanks today to those who joined our fight in raising funds for the #MillionMealsMarch campaign. #TogetherWeWillWin https://keepthescore.co/board/izwquchcsnr/
Reposted from Twitter by @nafobot
#millionmealsmarch #togetherwewillwin #Ukraine
RT @LACANetwork@twitter.com
@DotKohlhaas@twitter.com @LACitySAN@twitter.com I stand in absolute solidarity with those invested in making our city/country work for everyone. Who pick up the mantle of ancestors that could not see the implementation of their visions but were committed nonetheless. #LetsGetFree #ServicesNotSweeps #TogetherWeWillWin
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LACANetwork/status/1139951196175622144
#letsgetfree #servicesnotsweeps #togetherwewillwin