@chargrille Shed no tears for the zombie bird! Be happy to be free from it - it died years ago!
The Arab spring was not twitter's merit, but what users achieved - despite the birdsite's corrupt commercial business model.
Thankfully real social media like mastodon evolved in the unjustified shadow of twitter, uncorrupted by paid-for algorithms, management greed & recklessness!
And their future looks more than just promising!
#YourVoiceMatters #DefendDemocracy #TogetherWeWin
#yourvoicematters #defenddemocracy #togetherwewin
After 180 days of campaigning in 5 different swing states, I worked my last shift until January. The batteries will be recharged for whatever next year throws at us. #1u #TogetherWeWin #DefeatCreepingFascism
#1u #togetherwewin #defeatcreepingfascism
Mixed results in this installment of election eve Terraoke. SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE was a solid selection, but I started too strong on and lost my breath control on PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC. This white boy did not represent. #SoMuchFun #TogetherWeWin #MusicIsLife
#somuchfun #togetherwewin #musicislife