A heavy work day at #OxleyNatureCneter for the Thursday Old Geezers #TOGs. We worked on clearing the Northern Loop at the North Woods unit. This area had the most extreme damage, so we only made it half-way around the loop even with 4 of us working. High heat and humidity slowed us down with the #HeatIndex hitting 107˚F and the #WetBulbGlobeTemperatureRisk hitting 92˚F. Looks like we can handle most of the clearing, but there are at least 2 very large widow makers that will require brining in the pros. It will be nice to have these exceptional trails through this section of old growth forest clear and available to the public again.
#volunteer #oxleynaturecneter #togs #heatindex #wetbulbglobetemperaturerisk #giveback #environmentalstewardship #damnitshot
The #TOGs (Thursday Old Geezers) were back at it today despite the frigid temps (24˚F with a wind chill of 14˚F to finish the stairs by the Interpretive Center at #OxleyNatureCenter. The median age of the group is 70, and they were out there working extremely hard to get the trail open again. We finishing the landscaping and setup of the stairs by the Interpretive Center. That involved moving 2 cubic yards of river gravel - with wheel barrow since the little tractor could not drive up the slope (it tried, but bogged down, getting stuck in the damp soil), moving and installing 2 railroad ties, and leveling the trails. The remaining tasks are to install decorative risers and seal/wax the railing. An early shot and the current setup. Next tasks are to make the bypass ADA accessible, then on to more stair replacement My profound thanks to John, Glen, Tom, and Bobby for all their hard work.
#togs #oxleynaturecenter #volunteer #environmentalstewardship #giveback #dontbelikeabillionaireoligarch #service
Yesterday was #WorkDay for the #TOGs (Thursday Old Geezers) #Volunteer group. The task was to finish replacing steps down to one of the trails at the #NorthWoods unit at #OxleyNatureCenter. With city budgets being what they are, we #Improvise, and #Repurpose what we have at hand. Here we are using old deck blocks to replace rotted railroad ties. The median age of the TOGs is 70, so all of us were tired and sore by the end of the day. It will take a while for the blocks to settle in, so we will adjust, and stabilize if needed. These should last several years. Net cost = $0. This is part of our volunteer efforts at #EnvironmentalSterwarship. Handrails will come next, then on to the next task. We have concluded that we all suck at something, but as a team, we don’t all suck at the same thing = there is always a #PathForward. I would like to start a #YouthConservation program where interns could get #CollegeCredit learning these skills.
#workday #togs #volunteer #northwoods #oxleynaturecenter #improvise #repurpose #environmentalsterwarship #pathforward #youthconservation #collegecredit
bottoms done! still getting a smidge of twist line along the top of the elastic, but overall i’m pretty happy with them. on to the tops…
@sewing #sewing #spandex #togs #spiderwebs #BooDesigns #BooFabrics #kids
#sewing #spandex #togs #spiderwebs #boodesigns #boofabrics #kids
Probably the only #MOD semi truck driver there is! #Music is myexistence.Obsessed: #vinyl,
#vintage digs & #togs #books, #movies
(esp old ones) #Vespa Scooters#pottery,#ART, #history#yoga & pièce de résistance #LIVE MUSIC! Have gone as far as 2,123.3 mi for a show! #Foodie & vagabond #gypsy too.Love any #musicians that go against the grain & tell the music Execs to fuck off, I know a few! I LOVE LOVE #travel and don't mind doing it alone. Don't mind alone time either❤
#introduction #mod #music #vinyl #vintage #togs #books #movies #vespa #art #history #live #foodie #gypsy #musicians #travel #MOONCHILD