Why Crypto Investors Should Care About Tokenomics: Crypto Long & Short - Perceptions of token issuance by projects have changed dramatically during the crypto win... - https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2023/08/16/why-crypto-investors-should-care-about-tokenomics/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #coindeskmarketindex #cryptolong&short #coindeskindices #marketsentiment #tokenomics #bearmarket #bullmarket #opinion #altcoin
#altcoin #opinion #bullmarket #bearmarket #tokenomics #marketsentiment #coindeskindices #cryptolong #coindeskmarketindex
DeFi Firms Sign Up to Balancer's Plan for Tackling Lack of Liquidity - Decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol Balancer has attracted several of its peers with a ... - https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/07/06/defi-firms-sign-up-to-balancers-plan-for-tackling-lack-of-liquidity/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #tokengovernance #tokenomics #balancer #finance #news #dex
#dex #news #finance #balancer #tokenomics #tokengovernance
Pi Network Unveils Web3 Social Platform Fireside Forum to Foster Positive Online Interactions - Web3 app ecosystem Pi Network has launched a "self-moderating" social platform with integ... - https://cryptonews.com/news/pi-network-unveils-web3-social-platform-fireside-forum-foster-positive-online-interactions.htm #decentralization #altcoinnews #socialmedia #tokenomics #web3
#web3 #tokenomics #socialmedia #altcoinnews #decentralization
Crypto is Losing the Sense of Rarity: Does It Matter? - Robert Quartly-Janeiro is the Chief Strategy Officer of the Singapore-based Tier-1 crypto... - https://cryptonews.com/exclusives/crypto-is-losing-the-sense-of-rarity-does-it-matter.htm #cryptocurrency #tokenomics #stablecoin #inflation #economics #opinions #exchange #ethereum #adoption #bitcoin #cardano #altcoin #banking #solana #web3 #usdt #ico #xrp
#xrp #ico #USDT #web3 #solana #banking #altcoin #cardano #bitcoin #adoption #ethereum #exchange #opinions #economics #inflation #stablecoin #tokenomics #cryptocurrency
SushiSwap to Propose Tokenomics Changes to Promote Uniswap v3 Adoption - Changes to the protocol’s “Chef” contracts are intended to make it more decentralized and... - https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2023/04/26/sushiswap-to-propose-tokenomics-changes-to-promote-uniswap-v3-adoption/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #technology #tokenomics #sushiswap #uniswap #news
#news #uniswap #sushiswap #tokenomics #technology
The gamble of crypto airdrop hunting and what it means for blockchain devs - Airdrop hunting can be a lucrative enterprise, but it can also ha... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/the-gamble-of-crypto-airdrop-hunting-and-what-it-means-for-blockchain-devs #tokenomics #airdrop #tokens
The 2023 State of Crypto Report: https://a16zcrypto.com/content/article/state-of-crypto-report-2023/ #2023StateOfCrypto, #Web3, #NFT, #DAO, #Blockchain, #DeFi, #ReFi, #CryptoReport, #Cryptocurrency, #DigitalAssets, #Decentralization, #NFTs, #CryptoTrends, #CryptoNews, #Web3Revolution, #DeFi2023, #ReFi2023, #BlockchainTech, #CryptoInnovation, #SmartContracts, #CryptoMarket, #Tokenomics, #DecentralizedFinance, #CryptoAdoption, #CryptoIndustry, #CryptoUpdate, #BlockchainTechnology, #DAOs, #NFTArt, #NFTMarket, #DefiRevolution
#2023stateofcrypto #web3 #nft #dao #blockchain #defi #refi #cryptoreport #cryptocurrency #digitalassets #decentralization #nfts #cryptotrends #cryptonews #web3revolution #defi2023 #refi2023 #blockchaintech #cryptoinnovation #smartcontracts #cryptomarket #tokenomics #decentralizedfinance #cryptoadoption #cryptoindustry #cryptoupdate #blockchaintechnology #daos #nftart #nftmarket #defirevolution
Nike Has a Plan to Take Digital Goods Mainstream. Just Don’t Call Them NFTs. https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/technology/nike-has-a-plan-to-take-digital-goods-mainstream-just-dont-call-them-nfts/ #2023StateOfCrypto, #Web3, #NFT, #DAO, #Blockchain, #DeFi, #ReFi, #CryptoReport, #Cryptocurrency, #DigitalAssets, #Decentralization, #NFTs, #CryptoTrends, #CryptoNews, #Web3Revolution, #DeFi2023, #ReFi2023, #BlockchainTech, #CryptoInnovation, #SmartContracts, #CryptoMarket, #Tokenomics, #DecentralizedFinance, #CryptoAdoption, #CryptoIndustry, #Nike, #BlockchainTechnology, #DAOs, #NFTArt
#2023stateofcrypto #web3 #nft #dao #blockchain #defi #refi #cryptoreport #cryptocurrency #digitalassets #decentralization #nfts #cryptotrends #cryptonews #web3revolution #defi2023 #refi2023 #blockchaintech #cryptoinnovation #smartcontracts #cryptomarket #tokenomics #decentralizedfinance #cryptoadoption #cryptoindustry #nike #blockchaintechnology #daos #nftart
PancakeSwap Leaders Propose Cutting CAKE Token Inflation Target to 3%-5% - The significant change to CAKE's tokenomics would move PancakeSwap's native token toward ... - https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/04/18/pancakeswap-leaders-propose-cutting-cake-token-inflation-target-to-3-5/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #pancakeswap #tokenomics #inflation #finance #news
#news #finance #inflation #tokenomics #pancakeswap
Stablecoin less preferable form of tokenized money, BIS paper finds - Bearer instruments such as stablecoin harken back to the days of ... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/stablecoin-less-preferable-form-of-tokenized-money-bis-paper-finds #stablecoin #tokenomics
Как проводить анализ токеномики. Как разработать правильную токеномику.
#cryptocurrency #blockchain #nft #token #tokenomics #криптовалюты #блокчейн #нфт #токены #смартконтракт #токеномика
#cryptocurrency #blockchain #nft #token #tokenomics #криптовалюты #блокчейн #нфт #токены #смартконтракт #токеномика
Very exciting meeting tonight, lots of projects coming together! 👀 ⚒️
We love seeing the #lunarpunk movement getting wider.
❗️🥷Join LunarDAO's discussion on architecture, governance and #tokenomics to come help build the future.
RT @lunarpunksquad
📢 New proposal based on 👹 @MolochDAO V3 👺
🔥 Shares & Loot model
🔥 Design optimization throughout time
🔥 RageQuit (no fees)
🔥 GuildKick
🔥 Minimu…
FTX Warns Community of Phony ‘Debt Tokens’ and Scams Claiming to Be Affiliated With the Bankrupt Exchange - On Friday, debtors who control the official FTX Twitter account warned the communi... - https://news.bitcoin.com/ftx-warns-community-of-phony-debt-tokens-and-scams-claiming-to-be-affiliated-with-the-bankrupt-exchange/ #cryptocurrency #restructuring #alltimehigh #controversy #tradevolume #bankruptcy #blockchain #challenges #debttokens #tokenomics #bondtoken #coingecko #community #ftx
#ftx #community #coingecko #bondtoken #tokenomics #debttokens #challenges #blockchain #bankruptcy #tradevolume #controversy #alltimehigh #restructuring #cryptocurrency
Tokenomics 101: Die bekanntesten Modelle verstehen https://www.btc-echo.de/news/tokenomics-101-die-bekanntesten-modelle-verstehen-159676/ #Krypto-Assets #Tokenomics #Token #DeFi #Defi
#Krypto #tokenomics #token #DeFi
🥷 Are you into the #lunarpunk narrative?
Do you want to join discussions about #privacy, #crypto and #web3?
Do you have proposals for our #tokenomics or privacy projects?
Come introduce yourself to the community! 👇👇👇
Join us at ✨ https://forum.lunardao.net/ ✨
#lunarpunk #privacy #crypto #web3 #tokenomics
Token Unlocks: Diese Termine stehen an https://www.btc-echo.de/news/token-unlocks-diese-termine-stehen-an-158985/ #Tokenomics #Altcoins #Unlocks
#tokenomics #Altcoins #unlocks
❗️Before the definitive launch, we're still trying to improve the model based on your suggestions.
LunarDAO is born from collective work to be a tool in the hands of the #lunarpunk community.
👉 Check out and contribute to our #Tokenomics discussion:
5 reasons why the Aptos (APT) rally could still have wings - Aptos’ star-studded founders and the market’s disbelief in the ra... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/5-reasons-why-the-aptos-apt-rally-could-still-have-wings #kimchipremium #tokenomics #cardano #solana #aptos
#aptos #solana #cardano #tokenomics #kimchipremium
What is #Tokenomics and Why is it Important?
The tokenization of everything is well on its way, just as usual with #tech, unevenly distributed.
My take: Every org must now do a pass on token strategy, like it or not.
#tokenomics #tech #web3 #decentralization #crypto
Since we've published LunarDAO's #tokenomics, there's been a lot of community's feedback and engagement.
There's been many discussions on how to make it better and we decided to pause the token sale to listen to everyone's input.
👉Join the discussion! https://forum.lunardao.net/t/tokenomics-lunar-vox/89/22?u=ogma