Aiyah I am hot and smelly, my feet are sore and soggy, the Osaka aquarium is incredible but so so crowded.
Penguins! Dolphins! Otters! A freaking giant prehistoric looking fish that I've never heard of and have already forgotten the name of, but it's from a river in um the gulf of panama I think??
I'm hoping that I can have a bath at the capsule hotel but it's unlikely cos I have tattoos. So I will probably have to settle for a shower.
#TokyoChicken (in Osaka)
I'm in Osaka on a quiet rainy Sunday. At least, it's quiet in Umeda area. The most popular stores in this area are for sex toys, massages, and uh tennis racquets. As you'd expect.
My old converse don't like the rainy weather and my feet are pretty soaked through. However I'm fairly sure I can't go trying on new shoes when my socks are wet. My feet are weirdly different, so I can't buy shoes without trying them on. I may just have to accept the squelching.
#TokyoChicken (in Osaka though)
Going by myself to Osaka by Shinkansen tomorrow morning and will stay there a couple of nights in a fancy capsule hotel.
Don't really know what I'll do there apart from visit teamlabs installation. Maybe universal studios?
Kiddo has made friends with some Japanese girls they met at a cafe, and is going out with them tonight. I'm so proud! I've been told I'm not allowed to make a big deal of it, but bugger that. 🥳🥳🥳
Whoops just unpacking some shopping & found more things.
Ridiculous avocado & flamingo shoulder bag. Strap is too short for cross-body so I have to find a way to lengthen it.
Fold-up shopping bag, stickers, mug & facemask from 6% dokidoki.
Grape candy shopping bag, chicken leg pouch & as-yet-unassembled Venus de Milo making a heart gesture, from gachapon.
Hair clips from pink latte in Harajuku, and I see kiddo has already taken 2 out of the packet. 😁
So. Um. Have I overdone it? These are most of the things I've bought in the last couple of days.
Top right is more BL porn, 3 of which are #omegaverse, gosh.
Bottom right is some more #MDZS merch, including the paperman keyring I've wanted forever.
Bottom middle is #HunterXHunter, including my rare otp Chrollo/Kurapika. Every hxh item has #ChrolloLulcifer in it because he's my special little boy. Some of his stuff was super-expensive though, so I stayed with cheaper items.
1/2 #TokyoChicken
#omegaverse #mdzs #HunterXHunter #chrollolulcifer #tokyochicken
After a lot of walking, shelf-browsing, and awkwardly asking for help in fragmented Japanese, I'm confident that there is little-to-no #MoDaoZuShi doujinshi available in Tokyo.
It's frustrating because I can find a fair bit of merch. And all the doujinshi places have MDZS posters or standees. But no doujinshi!
Ah well. I have gone mad again today and bought more MDZS and TGCF merch, doujinshi for #DetroitBecomeHuman, #HunterXHunter, #BokuNoHeroAcademia, #Madoka, #YuriOnIce.
#modaozushi #detroitbecomehuman #HunterXHunter #bokunoheroacademia #madoka #yurionice #tokyochicken
I bought a bunch of doujinshi today for #YuriOnIce, #HunterXHunter and #Madoka (for kiddo). Also something shrink-wrapped that looked like a #FarawayWanderers doujinshi but turned out to be a fanfic, maybe? I will have to investigate more closely.
No luck on the #MoDaoZuShi doujinshi yet but I'm not giving up.
#yurionice #HunterXHunter #madoka #farawaywanderers #modaozushi #tokyochicken
It is fun going places in Tokyo with kiddo. Strangers are much more likely to start conversations in Japanese with kiddo than they are with me. I guess kiddo looks like the sort of westerner who would know some Japanese...? And they do know enough conversational Japanese to muddle along.
We do well together because I'm better at reading Japanese & have a wider vocab, whereas kiddo is better at listening and speaking.
We found this shirt!!!
I told kiddo that if they didn't buy it for themselves, I would have to buy it for them.
They were probably going to buy it regardless, but were happy to let me pay. 😄
(Link to a shirt with a cartoon picture of a scary girl and the slogan "this magical girl kills fascists")
Oh and the person working at 6% dokidoki wanted to take a photo of kiddo for Instagram, which of COURSE, because they are the cutest.
But he wanted ME in the photo too, which, whaaaaat!!? I am not nearly cool enough to be on their Instagram page, but I'll take it.
A good value set breakfast for ¥450. But, um, how do I eat a fried egg with chopsticks?
Today's haul may have been somewhat excessive.
Look, it's BL week at Animate, okay? What's a girl like me supposed to do? I thought I showed great restraint in only buying volume 1 of #Given, not all 6(?).
The Pash! magazine came with a free clearfile of characters from the Free! anime, and a huge poster of the cover image where #LanWangji gets to serve his husband liquor. I love it very much.
#Given #lanwangji #tokyochicken
I took a random bus, got off when I saw a river on the map, walked along the river for a bit. Saw a highly rated cafe on the map, so wandered in that direction.
Now awaiting my coffee and sandwich.
The stereo is playing an acoustic version of #PrefabSprout's "Desire As." I'm so confused and charmed.
Spoils from Ikebukuro yesterday.
#Yizhan fans may detect a theme in the socks.
Today I'm thinking of getting on random local buses, hopping off at any place that interests me, and getting thoroughly lost. Haven't decided for sure yet.
Went to Ikebukuro with @mary today. Resting up now and remembering ouch, I'm a bit disabled, maybe don't try to do quite so much. (But there's so much I want to doooo.)
Got #PokemonGo tips from team leader Blanche, found a Garbodor bin, and put a lure on the original PokeStop.
At Animate, there was a big promotion for #NijisanjiEN puppets. I didn't get a photo of the whole display, but it covered a wall and was very busy. We got a #PomuRainpuff puppet & an #UkiVioleta sticker.
#pokemongo #nijisanjien #pomurainpuff #UkiVioleta #tokyochicken
We are in Tokyo and it's good.
I'll try to tag posts about our trip as #TokyoChicken.
Three disabled people after a long day of travel probably won't be doing anything strenuous today. Still it's good to hang out here, wander down to nearby combinis, do a little exploring of the neighborhood.
@mary wants to go to Otome Road today and I'll probably go with them.
Kiddo is already talking about abandoning us and finding their own solo place to stay for part of the trip. 😁