Albeit when it comes to Hip Hop from foreign lands?
I may dig 9SARI group's collaborations a bit more, even if here they sample heavily from Eazy E's bands.
e.g. "KUSARI GROOVE" from many years ago:
Thanks to トウキョウ トライブ「tōkyō toraibu」(Tokyo Tribe) is how I learned of D.O
There used to be a copy subtitled in English too, but I think it was pulled since it was robbin them of YT views?
Which isn't something anyone should be doin: don't steal clicks & minimal monetization from such crews!
#9SARI #HipHop #JーHipーHop #DO #DangerousOriginal #漢 #akaGAMI #DutchMontana #DOGMA #PITーGOb #Kut #TosatsumaFilms #TokyoRapCartel #KusariGroove #トウキョウトライブ #TōkyōTribe
#9sari #hiphop #jーhipーhop #do #dangerousoriginal #漢 #akagami #dutchmontana #dogma #pitーgob #kut #tosatsumafilms #tokyorapcartel #kusarigroove #トウキョウトライブ #tokyotribe
"KUSARI GROOVE" from many years ago:
Thanks to トウキョウ トライブ「tōkyō toraibu」(Tokyo Tribe) is how I learned of D.O
There used to be a copy subtitled in English, but I think it was pulled, robbing them of YT views?
Which isn't something anyone should be doin: don't steal clicks & monetization from such crews!
#9SARI #HipHop #JーHipーHop #DO #DangerousOriginal #漢 #akaGAMI #DutchMontana #DOGMA #PITーGOb #Kut #TosatsumaFilms #TokyoRapCartel #KusariGroove #トウキョウトライブ #TōkyōTribe
#9sari #hiphop #jーhipーhop #do #dangerousoriginal #漢 #akagami #dutchmontana #dogma #pitーgob #KuT #tosatsumafilms #tokyorapcartel #kusarigroove #トウキョウトライブ #tokyotribe
鈴木亮平&YOUNG DAIS 映画『TOKYO TRIBE』 日本外国特派員協会会見
2014.08.07 主演の鈴木亮平とYOUNG DAISが、会見で流暢が英語を披露し、外国マスコミ陣を驚かせました。 世界初のバトル・ラップ・ミュージカル! 映画『TOKYO TRIBE』は、8月30日(土)より 新宿バルト9ほか全国ロードショー!! 鈴木亮平&YOUNG DAIS、外国人記者の前で流暢な英語を披露!『TOKYO TRIBE』<日本外国特派員協会>試写会&記者会見! 鈴木亮平&YOUNG DAIS、外国人記者の前で流暢な英語を披露!『TOKYO TRIBE』<日本外国特派員協会>試写会&記者会見!
#鈴木亮平 #清野菜名 #園子温 #YOUNGDAIS #tokyotribe