Ich bleibe dabei. Das Schlechteste was man heute tun kann - bald seit mehr als zehn Jahren - ist, ein neues Auto zu kaufen. Das ist schlecht fürs Klima, für die Umwelt und für die selbstbestimmte Datenhoheit. #toldyouso. (paywall, aber geniale Überschrift)
Die Frage ist nicht mehr ob der Kapitalismus kollabiert wegen des Klimawandels, sondern nur wann. #toldyouso https://taz.de/Finanzsystem-und-Klimakrise/!5954984/
#toldyouso. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist auch die neue Rückbaufeindlichkeit der #FDP zu sehen. Die haben Schiss, wie f....g teuer das wird!
Sat down in office next to my coworker and she gives me a double take and squeaked out “did you put chips inside your sandwich?”
I indulged her with some knowledge that it’s a British thing and she should try it out.
And she did, she said it was a game changer.
#britishfood #british #britishlad #whenworldscollide #englandsandafrican #toldyouso
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingNearlyBiscuitTimeNotNews... #Post2035... #BangOn...
#IT's #NotBeen a #BadMonth, aye... #NotSince another #InstanceAdministrator (at #VMST) performed a #ShadowBan they shouldn't have...
#Meanwhile.... My #DemonstrableTheory remains #FullySearchable just like I #ToldYouSo...
"#BeingRight is #SuperAwesome"...
🧙⚔️ 🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🎠🦹🦄🦹🎠☕
#notnews24 #unbreaklingnearlybiscuittimenotnews #post2035 #bangon #it #notbeen #badmonth #notsince #instanceadministrator #vmst #shadowban #meanwhile #demonstrabletheory #fullysearchable #toldyouso #beingright #superawesome
How the Matildas' Women's World Cup heroics won Australian football's biggest fight https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-25/matildas-world-cup-heroics-won-australian-football-johnny-warren/102724010 #matildas #sport #football #toldyouso
#matildas #sport #football #toldyouso
#flogw #toldyouso #climatecrisis
"Doch nach Auffassung der Regierungsexperten ist dieser Bericht noch zu optimistisch. So treffe er Annahmen, "die aus aktueller Sicht nicht mehr der erwartbaren Entwicklung entsprechen"
#flogw #toldyouso #climatecrisis
Happy 40th anniversary to Depeche Mode's album 'Construction Time Again'. Released this week in 1983. #depechemode #constructiontimeagain #everythingcounts #loveinitsself #twominutewarning #toldyouso #andthen
#depechemode #constructiontimeagain #everythingcounts #loveinitsself #twominutewarning #toldyouso #andthen
#Science news tip: when a shiny new toy sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Like with all else in life. #SciFi writers know that, right? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-superconductor-sensation-has-fizzled-and-thats-fine1/
#science #scifi #toldyouso #CalledIt
#Government: And thus, C-18 is the #law of the #land! #American Big Tech must now pay to link to Canadian media.
Techies: We warned you.
#Canadian #Legacy #Media: Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy....
#Google: Uh, it doesn't make #financial sense to #pay to #link to your #stories; we don't get much out of it.
#Facebook: Ya, us either. I guess we'll stop linking to Canadian media sites.
CML: Noooooooooooooooooo!
Government: They can't do that, can they?
#government #Law #land #american #canadian #legacy #media #google #financial #pay #link #stories #facebook #bigtech #denial #toldyouso
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingCrockeryNotNews... #WellInExcessOf24... #IT's all a #BitTooMuch...
#ThisHappened... #EggCups... #ToldYouSo...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🥚🦹☕🦄☕🦹🥚
#notnews24 #unbreaklingcrockerynotnews #wellinexcessof24 #it #bittoomuch #thishappened #eggcups #toldyouso
"it won’t happen soon enough"
#toldyouso #flogw https://berthub.eu/articles/posts/on-climate-change-and-management/
@Prucker Gibt bei Merz keine. Der normalisiert weiter Koalitionen mit der afd, weil das seine wahrscheinlichste und ggf. einzigste Machtoption sein wird, wenn er ins Kanzleramt will. #toldyouso
Mrs Mike went to the GP yesterday.
The GP gave her a few Zopiclone tablets to help her sleep.
Mrs Mike says 'these will NOT work, but I'll take one anyway'.
It's almost 11am and she's still asleep.
#mentalhealth #sleep #zopiclone #toldyouso
HANDELSBLATT (€): Bundeshaushalt: Lindner spart am Schienennetz der Bahn https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/bundeshaushalt-lindner-spart-am-schienennetz-der-bahn/29235284.html
Lindner soll nur die Hälfte der notwendigen Finanzmittel im Haushalt eingeplant haben. DIE HÄLFTE?!?
(klar, zum Teil ist das Verhandlungsmasse für die noch anstehenden Verhandlungen auf dem Basar, aber die Hälfte ist schon frech, wenn er nicht gleichzeitig auch die Mittel für den Straßenbau halbiert …)
Here it is, Thursday, and the USCG is talking about a field of unspecified debris near the #Titanic and if the #Titan was intact, it's out of breathable air. NOW talking heads are considering the possibility of an implosion.
Well, when you go down in a vessel that hasn't been safety tested, an implosion is the top of the list of possibilities.
“I’d rather Mastodon has tooling and conventions available to deal with this rather than ‘we always hoped this would never happen.’” — https://searchtodon.social/Adventures-in-Mastoland.html ✌️