DesignBoom : toledano + architects plants passive ‘mavrogia house’ in southern crete’s dry landscape #residentialarchitectureandinteriors #architectureingreece #marbleandstonedesign #toledano+architects #architecture #readers
#residentialarchitectureandinteriors #architectureingreece #marbleandstonedesign #toledano #architecture #readers
This evening begins Passover here in Japan (Erev Pesach).
My family's Passover seder has always been based on the kabbalistic reading of the Book of Exodus (in Hebrew: The Book of Names) elucidated by the great teacher Zev b'en Shimon Halevi, who upholds the Toledano tradition, in his book *Kabbalah and Exodus*
Gut yom tov to you all.
#Passover #Pesach #kabbalah #exodus #Toledano
#passover #pesach #Kabbalah #exodus #toledano