RT @ChisholmAndrew
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien
The Professor!!
happy 131st birthday! #TolkienBirthdayToast
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien
The Professor!!
happy 131st birthday! #TolkienBirthdayToast
Happy 131st birthday to J.R.R. Tolkien!
#JRRTolkienDay #JRRTolkien #TolkienBirthdayToast #Tolkien #LOTR #hobbit #drawing #illustration #characterdesign #art #sketch #sketchbook
#jrrtolkienday #jrrtolkien #tolkienbirthdaytoast #tolkien #lotr #hobbit #drawing #illustration #characterdesign #art #sketch #sketchbook
Parte del equipo se ha podido reunir hoy para celebrar algo fundamental: hoy hace 131 años que nació #Tolkien y sin él, sin su obra, no estaríamos aquí y muchas cosas en nuestra vida no serían como son, así que alzamos las copas y decimos ¡por el Profesor! #TolkienBirthdayToast
#tolkienbirthdaytoast #tolkien
Centotrentuno anni or sono nasceva, in Sudafrica, colui che decise di creare un intero mondo fantastico, con storia, geografia e cosmogonia annesse, per poter dare un'ambientazione alle lingue da lui inventate nel corso della sua vita, e per poter dare al popolo britannico (e non solo) un complesso di leggende epiche e intramontabili, al pari dei grandi classici greci.
Auguri a John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
The professor! 🥃
Centotrentuno anni or sono nasceva, in Sudafrica, colui che decise di creare un intero mondo fantastico, con storia, geografia e cosmogonia annesse, per poter dare un'ambientazione alle lingue da lui inventate nel corso della sua vita, e per poter dare al popolo britannico (e non solo) un complesso di leggende epiche e intramontabili, al pari dei grandi classici greci.
Auguri a John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
The professor! 🥃
"In her hand she bore a cup, and she set it to her lips and drank a little, wishing them good speed; and then she gave the cup to Aragorn, and he drank, and he said: 'Farewell, Lady of Rohan! I drink to the fortunes of your House, and of you, and of all your people. [...]'" LotR 5,2: The Passing of the Grey Company
#tolkienbirthdaytoast #theprofessor
@jmanumeza ¡Ven a nuestro brindis! Con la Sociedad Tolkiendili de México! #TolkienBirthdayToast #TokienBirthDay #BrindisTolkienMx
#tolkienbirthdaytoast #tokienbirthday #brindistolkienmx
RT @TolkienSociety@twitter.com
Today is J.R.R. #Tolkien's 131st birthday! As Frodo did for Bilbo, the Tolkien Society continues to celebrate Tolkien's birthday in his absence with our #TolkienBirthdayToast. Our tradition: at 9pm your time raise a glass and toast, "The Professor!" https://www.tolkiensociety.org/2023/01/tolkien-birthday-toast-raise-a-glass-to-the-professor-in-honour-of-his-131st-birthday/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TolkienSociety/status/1610265942965059585
#tolkien #tolkienbirthdaytoast
Como cada 3 de enero, La Sociedad Tolkien anima a los fans del profesor a celebrar su cumpleaños con un brindis. La idea es brindar con tu bebida favorita (no necesita ser licor) a las 21:00 hora local y dedicarlo con las siguientes palabras “The Professor”.
También puedes registrar tu brindis en el sitio web de la sociedad.
#JRRTolien #TheHobbit #TheLordOfTheRings #TLofR
#tolkienbirthdaytoast #jrrtolien #thehobbit #thelordoftherings #tlofr
RT @TolkienSociety
Today is J.R.R. #Tolkien's 131st birthday! As Frodo did for Bilbo, the Tolkien Society continues to celebrate Tolkien's birthday in his absence with our #TolkienBirthdayToast. Our tradition: at 9pm your time raise a glass and toast, "The Professor!" https://www.tolkiensociety.org/2023/01/tolkien-birthday-toast-raise-a-glass-to-the-professor-in-honour-of-his-131st-birthday/
#tolkien #tolkienbirthdaytoast
Proprio vero: una volta al mese noi donne💃 ritorniamo al via💪🏻
E che belle le vacanze in casa🏡 a giocare ⚔️
E stasera brindisi al professor John🍺
#elderscrolls #tolkienbirthdaytoast
RT @TolkienMundo@twitter.com
Hoy 3 de enero se cumple el 131 cumpleaños de J.R.R.Tolkien. Como homenaje hoy dedicaremos la lectura a sus obras. 🌟
"El hogar está atrás, el mundo adelante. Y hay muchos caminos por recorrer..." #Tolkien #TolkienBirthdayToast
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TolkienMundo/status/1610186232608313344
#tolkien #tolkienbirthdaytoast
A reminder for this evening: “After Bilbo left the Shire on his eleventy-first birthday in The Lord of the Rings, Frodo toasted his uncle’s birthday each year on 22 September. The Society continues that tradition by continuing to toast Tolkien’s birthday.” #TolkienBirthdayToast #Tolkien #LOTR
#tolkienbirthdaytoast #tolkien #lotr