Today in Labor History September 9, 1828: Leo Tolstoy, Russian author and playwright was born. He is most famous for novels like Anna Karina, and War and Peace. He chose the name for the latter after reading French anarchist Proudhon’s publication called War and Peace. Tolstoy also wrote many short stories, an autobiography and many works of nonfiction. After witnessing a public execution in 1857, he wrote: "The truth is that the State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt its citizens ... Henceforth, I shall never serve any government anywhere." In the 1870s, he experienced a profound spiritual awakening, which led him to become a Christian anarchist and pacifist, and which he wrote about in his non-fiction work Confession (1882). He also wrote about nonviolent resistance in The Kingdom of God Is Within You (1894), which influenced Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Wittgenstein. He was repeatedly nominated for Nobel prizes in both literature and peace.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #pacifism #peace #tolstoy #gandhi #MartinLutherKing #NobelPrize #literature #fiction #books #author #writer #russia @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #pacifism #peace #tolstoy #gandhi #MartinLutherKing #nobelprize #Literature #fiction #books #author #writer #russia
@design_law call me crazy but I've re-started Anna Karenina on audiobook. 🙃
(only got maybe 1/3 way through last time, but it was because life intervened)
#books #bookstodon @bookstodon #nowReading #tolstoy #annaKarenina
#books #bookstodon #nowreading #tolstoy #annakarenina
“Başkalarının hayatından ders alın. İnsan, bütün hataları kendi yapacak kadar uzun yaşamıyor.”
“Stupefied by prayers, sermons, exhortations,” Tolstoy thundered, thousands of soldiers “will commit the most dreadful act of killing men whom they do not know and who have done them no harm.”
“Again war. Again sufferings, necessary to nobody, utterly uncalled-for; again fraud, again the universal stupefaction and brutalisation of men.”
Ruhunun diğer yarısıyla tanıştığında başkalarıyla neden işlerin yürümediğini anlayacaksın...
#tolstoy #ciwanhaco #love #loveart
In case anyone is wondering where I found my profile image.
#warandpeace #tolstoy #writing #writingcommunity #books #humor #humour #funny #photshoppery
#photshoppery #funny #humour #humor #books #writingcommunity #writing #tolstoy #warandpeace
The Doukhobors were pacifists who lived communally, rejected private ownership of land, and who rejected military institutions and war. For this, they were oppressed in Imperial Russia. Many fled to Canada in the late 1800s. The cost of their resettlement in Canada was funded by the Quakers, as well as by individuals, including Tolstoy and Kropotkin. Many worked as loggers, lumbermen, and carpenters. In Canada, they continued their passivism and activism, including demonstrations in the nude against militarism and conscription. From World War I until the 1970s, a faction known as Sons of Freedom carried out nude marches, night-time arson attacks and vandalism to protest militarism, compulsory education (where there was a history of abuse of Doukhobor children) and modern technology. In 1932, Canada criminalized public nudity in response to Doukhobor protests, arresting over 300 Doukhobor men and women, with average prison sentences of three years each.
In 1962, folksinger Malvina Reynolds, composed the song, “The Doukhobor Do,” about protesting in the nude. Pete Seeger covered the song.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #doukhobors #pacifism #peace #antiwar #protest #activism #prison #nudity #kropotkin #tolstoy #school #children #canada #russia
#workingclass #LaborHistory #doukhobors #pacifism #peace #antiwar #protest #activism #prison #nudity #kropotkin #tolstoy #school #children #canada #russia
A year ago I read Tolstoy's War and Peace. I found it boring for almost the entire book, but! the final part recontextualized the entire story for me. Suddenly the boringness of it all had a meaning. The full story doesn't fit in a toot, so here is a link:
That was the first time I've experienced something like that, and one thing I've enjoyed a lot from trying to read outside my comfort zone.
#tolstoy #literature #bookstodon
#Free #book Leo #Tolstoy: The Complete Novels and Novellas (EverGreen Classics) - Kindle edition by Tolstoy, Leo, Classics, EverGreen.
#free #book #tolstoy #deal #delete #ebooks #ebook
Whew. It took me three months but I finally finished "War & Peace" It was my third time of trying (gave up the other times when I got to Pierre's mind-numbing dalliance with the Masons).
This time though, I made it through. Generally, I loved it, although Tolstoy needed a good editor. Anyway, here is what I wrote about it for Exploring History:
#literature #history #WarAndPeace #Tolstoy #ExploringHistory #Medium
#literature #history #warandpeace #tolstoy #exploringhistory #medium
Was #Jesus the first #anarchist?
He taught #love as the foundational organizing #principle of #society.
No #rules. No #hierarchy. Just love between our #brothers and our #sisters all over this #world.
And no, I don’t propound this to be an #original insight. #Tolstoy seems it’s most popular proponent. I just think it deserves repetition and #discussion.
#jesus #Anarchist #love #principle #society #rules #hierarchy #brothers #sisters #world #original #tolstoy #discussion
Opera on the frontlines with 'War and Peace'
#Ukrainewar #Russia #literature #opera #tolstoy #classicalmusic #war
#war #classicalmusic #tolstoy #opera #literature #russia #UkraineWar
> I've always been shocked by the astonishing, dominating especially in Western Europe, opinion that work is something like virtue; I was often surprised at this strange value attributed to work, even before reading the speech of Mr. #Zola, who clearly expressed this opinion.
> Because only an ant in a fable, as a creature deprived of reason and desire to do good, could think that #work is a virtue, and could be proud of it.
#Tolstoy #LeoTolstoy #NonActivity #DoNothing
#donothing #NonActivity #leotolstoy #tolstoy #work #zola
We do not love people so much for the good they have done us, as for the good we have done them.
Leo Nikolaevich #Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) #WarAndPeace (1869)
We do not love people so much for the good they have done us, as for the good we have done them.
Leo Nikolaevich #Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) #WarAndPeace (1869)
We do not love people so much for the good they have done us, as for the good we have done them.
Leo Nikolaevich #Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) #WarAndPeace (1869)