#AllTheVeggies #Pizza tonight. I forgot to make a sauce so I cobbled a base made up of #TomatoKetchup #Sriracha #TomatoPuree and #SesameOil. Don't @ me, pizza purists! It was sooooo good...
#VeganFood #VeganUK #GoVegan🌱 #EatPlants #DeleteTheMeat #EatPlantsNotAnimals #PlanetOfThePlants #VeganPizza #Vegan
#alltheveggies #pizza #tomatoketchup #sriracha #tomatopuree #sesameoil #veganfood #veganuk #govegan #eatplants #deletethemeat #eatplantsnotanimals #planetoftheplants #veganpizza #vegan
Heinz launches Kingchup ahead of the bank holiday celebrations
What a rip-off !
a) It's only available online, meaning it will be inaccessible to the poorer members of society;
b) It's no different to their usual sauce;
c) I guarantee that it costs mega-bucks in order to pay for the limited design.
Better to buy shop's own-brand.
#KingCharlesIII #Coronation #CashingIn #Heinz #TomatoKetchup #RipOff #LimitedEdition
#KingCharlesIII #Coronation #cashingin #heinz #tomatoketchup #ripoff #limitededition
#Heinz #tomatoketchup saw a 53% #priceincrease in the #UK
#uk #priceincrease #tomatoketchup #Heinz
#Heinz #tomatoketchup saw a 53% #priceincrease in the #UK
#uk #priceincrease #tomatoketchup #Heinz
#Heinz #tomatoketchup saw a 53% #priceincrease in the #UK
#uk #priceincrease #tomatoketchup #Heinz
#Heinz #tomatoketchup saw a 53% #priceincrease in the #UK
#uk #priceincrease #tomatoketchup #Heinz