#tomatowatch Update #1: My #tomato plant is officially taller than me and my mom. I’m only an inch taller than her at 5ft 1 inch. I’ve named the plant Wallace after Wallace and Grommit, since I have two tomato #plants and one of them is significantly taller than the other.
Currently the plant has about 40 small green fruits that will soon blush!
These tomatoes have been hanging around waiting for attention for quite some time, and are no showing their protests at being somewhat ignored and beginning to split ! They’ll be harvested today and eaten over coming days - such a treat to be still eating homegrown fresh tomatoes off the vine in Mid November ! All the best there today ! #garden #gardening #gardeningmastadon #TomatoWatch2022 #TomatoWatch #growyourown #GrowingFood #HortiHugh
#hortihugh #growingfood #growyourown #tomatowatch #tomatowatch2022 #gardeningmastadon #gardening #garden