Wip of an Ushabti from Lost Kingdom Miniatures #warhammer #tombkings #painting #paintingminiatures
#warhammer #tombkings #painting #paintingminiatures
Just made a video talking about the fact GW just confirmed plastic kits for old world https://youtu.be/7vTyYhhynYc #WarhammerCommunuity #warhammerfantasy #Bretonnia #tombkings
#warhammercommunuity #warhammerfantasy #bretonnia #tombkings
Some Gravesite markers finished in time for my first local league game yesterday. Chalked up the mummies first win! #WarhammerCommunity #ageofsigmar #warhammer #3Dprinting #PaintingWarhammer #minipainting #miniaturepainting #tombkings #soulblightgravelords
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #warhammer #3dprinting #paintingwarhammer #minipainting #miniaturepainting #tombkings #soulblightgravelords
Finished my Khemri team to a level that I’m happy with
Did some bases on my Khemri team
Still a long way to go on the minis themselves
"Those legs were a pain"?
Believe me, it was worse in 2007... ;)
#WHFB #MiddleHammer #TombKings
#whfb #MiddleHammer #tombkings
My Tomb Kings army for Warhammer Fantasy Battle 8th Edition. 1,000 points of basic troop types, which is how I like to start all my forces. #Warhammer #TombKings https://thelostandthedamned.wordpress.com/2021/03/02/warhammer-armies-tomb-kings
Hi, my name is Tristan and I love Tomb Kings. I put them in everything. I recently got to my first event and absolutely loved it. Thought I was into Warhammer before but now there’s a whole new world! Even won best painted!🤯 #tombkings