Yesterday, I ran the third session of the #TombRobbersOfTheCristalFrontier module (by Gus L. for #OSE), using #WorldsWithoutNumber. So far, the module is super fun. TROTCF focuses on a dungeon, which leans into sense of wonder, weirdness galore, and provides many opportunities for the players to come up with cool and unexpected solutions by interacting with factions and a dangerous dungeon terrain. The module also offers seeds for further adventures in a phantasmagoric Crystal Frontier 1/2
#tombrobbersofthecristalfrontier #OSE #WorldsWithoutNumber
@ChaskaTheMagicDog currently, i run #shadowdarkrpg (#Planscape setting) and #worldswithoutnumbers (#TombRobbersOfTheCristalFrontier module), oh and I gm‘d a session of #BrindlewoodBay last weekend. I mostly gm, but I’m pretty hyped that I will be a player in a #Greyhawk campaign starting in summer/autumn. An old friend of mine will be the dm and we will use the #shadowdarkrpg rules
#shadowdarkrpg #planscape #worldswithoutnumbers #tombrobbersofthecristalfrontier #BrindlewoodBay #Greyhawk