Nearly the end of #Tomember and Day 29 is Kiss. I have the pleasure to present to you #TomEllis as #Lucifer - The Kiss compilation. Courtesy of Lev @neuralcluster xx
Today's theme of #tomember is food. I love the ep in Season 6 having fun with father-daughter-time (and having cake ❤️ ). credit to @neuralcluster
RT @ist1964
🎼🎤I'd remember all the things my mother wrote
That we don't eat until your father's at the table
We don't drink until the devil's turned to dust
Never once has any man I've met been able to love
So if I were you, I'd have a little trust
#Tomember #TomEllis Guitar🎸
JV McMorrow
RT @PaxPippa
@siro_web @JaneHil52691644 @GuylieB @AmandaBelleLee @Eden_n_Tunnels @Veronique2707 @Tanjibees @TEstateofmind @Sam77778057 @ManuHerz79 @Kathi2511z @blacksoulR2802 @Mai_LundbyHolm Good morning! ☕️😘 Another very happy #Tomember day of #TomEllis with a guitar 🎸 both alone and with friends and colleagues — performing in public to a rapt audience, jamming with friends, recording, and just strumming at home 🥰 Happy Sunday! 🫶🏻🤗 Have a great one! ❤️😘
I would give so much to see Tom Ellis sing on stage, or own this man's album. I love his voice! These clips are all raw, favorites of mine untouched by sound editing and so powerful.
When do we get an album?!