In the past 7 days, I have written 1492 lines of #TOML.
I am dreaming in double brackets and equal signs.
Audio Plugins For Radios, Part 3 – VST Technical Setup
#Audacity #audio #AudioPlugins #GuestPosts #SDRConsole #shortwave #ShortwaveAudio #TomL #VST
#vst #toml #shortwaveaudio #shortwave #SDRConsole #guestposts #audioplugins #audio #audacity
✅ La #documentation de #toml mise à jour pour corriger un petit bug dans la #traduction
#dev #opensource #git
// ça fait plaisir ^^
#git #opensource #dev #traduction #toml #documentation
TomL’s Guide to Audio Plugins For Radios: Part 2 – SDR Recording
#Audacity #audio #AudioPlugins #BehringerUCA202 #GuestPosts #SDRConsole #ShortwaveAudio #TomL #VST
#vst #toml #shortwaveaudio #SDRConsole #guestposts #behringeruca202 #audioplugins #audio #audacity
TomL’s Guide to Using Computer Audio PlugIns with Older Radios
#audio #BehringerUCA202 #GuestPosts #ShortwaveAudio #TomL #VST
#vst #toml #shortwaveaudio #guestposts #behringeruca202 #audio
@slightlyoff I use #JSON5 in a Chrome Extension I own solely to comment the manifest and it works great.
I do think the bigger issue is that JSON is a terrible configuration language (but great wire format!). We should be using #TOML, #YAML, or something else more targeted for that use case.
Blogpost on TOMLParams, an open-source Python library for managing externalised parameters in TOML files from Python, with hierarchical inclusions, defaulting, key checking, optional type checking and more.
Get it while it’s hot!
#toml #python #reproducibility
Cycle 25 may peak sooner than expected
#Cargo pozwala na to, by metadane pakietu były dziedziczone z workspace'a (obszaru roboczego?). Aby z tego skorzystać, definiujesz odpowiedni klucz metadanych "foo" jako "foo.workspace = true".
Innymi słowy, zmienili specyfikację dla "foo" z łańcucha znaków na "łańcuch znaków albo tabela z jednym kluczem 'workspace = true'. Ma to sens, prawda?
#Cargo permits inheriting package metadata from workspaces. In order to do that, you specify the respective metadata key "foo" as "foo.workspace = true".
What they basically have done is change the spec for "foo" from a string to "either a string, or a table with a single 'workspace = true' key". Makes sense, right?
Reach Beyond Australia: Tom notes excellent reception and Jeff White interview
I think I’m starting to like this pyproject.toml thing 🤔
#python #pyprojecttoml #toml #development #package #application
#python #pyprojecttoml #toml #development #package #application
#Google #ServiceWeaver: it's like Remote EJB or CORBA over and over again. With hidden #RPC and non standard binary protocol. Works in #Go only, and configured with #toml... I'd say it has very limited use cases
#google #serviceweaver #rpc #go #toml
It's too bad, #TOML's multi-line string handling is nice for longer text like app description and others.
I'm looking at config file formats for #Dropserver app metadata. #TOML looks good but there are criticisms I can't ignore:
I can't tell whether it's a case of people expecting too much out of a simple config, or "grass is greener on the other side"? or maybe "the only config file format nobody complains about is the one nobody uses".
More signifcant might be that TOML has very little mind share in the #JS universe so it might be DOA given apps are written in JS.
Gallery metadata is now saved as a #TOML document. Someone suggested that to me, and it seemed like a good mainstream solution.