Sea level rise estimate climbs to $310 million; Key Biscayne weighs options :
The unanswered question: how much flooding will the Village Council tolerate?
#AECOM #AllisonMcCormick #BrettMoss #coastalprotection #easement #flooding #powerline #RolandSamimy #sealevelrise #servicelevel #SteveWilliamson #stormwater #stormwater #targer #TomMcGowan #undergrounding
#Miami #news
#aecom #allisonmccormick #brettmoss #coastalprotection #easement #flooding #powerline #rolandsamimy #sealevelrise #servicelevel #stevewilliamson #stormwater #targer #tommcgowan #undergrounding #miami #News
22 years ago today:
S8E9: Frasier's Edge
A lifetime achievement award sends Frasier into an existential crisis which culminates in a battle of wits with his old mentor; Daphne's weight gain doesn't go unnoticed.
Airdate: 2001-01-09
#Frasier #RenAuberjonois #TomMcGowan #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#frasier #renauberjonois #tommcgowan #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows