RT @BCathrach@twitter.com
Is é an duine a bhfuil trua agam dó ná John Rogers. Tá aithne ar gach duine sa tír air anois. Níos mó daoine ag caint faoi ná #tommytiernan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BCathrach/status/1616686949846114310
#tommytiernan I dtrioblóid arís agus níl #tommytiernanshow na seachtaine seo feicthe againn fós 🙄
RT @extragdotie@twitter.com
Labhraíonn Tommy Tiernan go poiblí faoin jóc a chuir fearg ar láithreoir RTÉ, Emer O’Neill, a shiúil amach as a sheó ... ach creideann sí go bhféadfadh sé níos mó a dhéanamh
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/extragdotie/status/1616493019083214850
#tommytiernan #tommytiernanshow
#TommyTiernan is probably one of the best comedic storytellers around. His ability to turn mundane everyday observations into humour is exceptional. He put on a great show in Vicar St last night some of it at the expense of Roy “Yes/No”Keane 😅
At the beginning of the show someone was recording him despite the signs & preshow announcement. He pleaded w the audience not to interrupt the flow by distracting him & us.
Despite this TWO ppl in front row had to be called out for being on their📱🤦♀️
Never thought he was funny, glad he is being called out but it won't mad a damn bit of difference to RTE, sure look at their top tv cook and her family.
#TommyTiernan #Racism
CAR TROUBLE: Emer Reynolds puts Olivia Colman's reputation for reliably strong performances on the line in the Irish road movie 'Joyride'. So what does Pomona make of the Co Kerry drama about a solicitor with post natal depression and a teenage boy on the road?.. https://pomonarewind.blogspot.com/2022/12/car-trouble-joyride.html #ireland #movies #postnatal #depression #cinema #kerry #film #oliviacolman #tommytiernan #stolencar
#ireland #movies #postnatal #depression #cinema #kerry #film #oliviacolman #tommytiernan #stolencar