RT @Alcoholresponse
@alcohol_review @Tommedian In a few minutes Dolores Keane on #TommyTiernanShow did more to highlight hope for #alcohol problem drinking than half the agencies in the country have done in 20 years
For anyone thinking of getting help
#RecoveryPosse #recovery
#tommytiernanshow #alcohol #recoveryposse #recovery
Fine Gael forgetting the facade of pulling the blue shirt off in favour of the green jersey in public.
Happy to do it for sports, business, tourism but their spokesperson for the Arts & Culture thinks making statements like this about a new, young band is acceptable.
RT @ciarancannon@twitter.com
I’ve heard better music from slightly embarrassed TY students. #tommytiernanshow
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ciarancannon/status/1616924837498478592
#tommytiernan I dtrioblóid arís agus níl #tommytiernanshow na seachtaine seo feicthe againn fós 🙄
RT @extragdotie@twitter.com
Labhraíonn Tommy Tiernan go poiblí faoin jóc a chuir fearg ar láithreoir RTÉ, Emer O’Neill, a shiúil amach as a sheó ... ach creideann sí go bhféadfadh sé níos mó a dhéanamh
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/extragdotie/status/1616493019083214850
#tommytiernan #tommytiernanshow
Patrick Kielty is so articulate & thought provoking on the north & the view of a united ireland 🇮🇪 #tommytiernanshow
RT @TimmyHammersley@twitter.com
Patrick Kielty exposing the poor attitude of many in the South to those in the North, they are often considered Irish in every part of the world, but not so much a few miles down the road. #tommytiernanshow
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TimmyHammersley/status/1614376569404887041
#TommyTiernanShow That interview with #RoyKeane was really quite something. Like a game of invisible chess. Loved it.
Keane’s presence and calmness is extraordinary. Very hard to find a way in. #TommyTiernanShow