bs2 · @bsmall2
226 followers · 4006 posts · Server

> A Black-led urban agriculture effort coincided with—and even preceded—the explosion of farmers’ markets in posh white enclaves, but these rumblings received little notice from the broader food world.

#foodmovement #omnivoresdilemma #motherjones #tomphilpott #chrisnewman #joelsalatin #michaelpollan

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
759 followers · 2603 posts · Server

by in :

"[P]igs can also pick up influenza strains that circulate among birds, whose viruses aren’t well adapted to infecting and spreading among people. Humans don’t have the receptors in our throats and noses that avian flus can easily attach to. Our isolation from avian flus is what makes them dangerous—since our immune systems rarely encounter them, we have little innate ability to fight them off. Enter pigs. They can catch flu strains from birds (often carrying them without symptoms), mash them up with genetic material from human-adapted flus, and create novel varieties capable of flummoxing human immunity and generating pandemics. That’s why virologists call hogs 'mixing vessels' for novel influenza strains."

#tomphilpott #motherjones #pigs #swine #birds #poultry #farm #avian #influenza #flu #pandemic

Last updated 1 year ago