Courtyard, Merida, Mexico. February 11, 2007.
#OnThisDate #photography #Mexico #courtyard #TomsPhotosOnThisDate
#onthisdate #photography #mexico #courtyard #tomsphotosonthisdate
A brick path. Jan 31, 2021.
#moss #Mosstodon #onthisdate #tomsphotosonthisdate
Jan. 230, 2020. Burning Man exhibit at the Oakland Museum.
#OnThis Date #TomsPhotosOnThisDate
#BurningMan #OaklandMuseum
#onthis #tomsphotosonthisdate #burningman #oaklandmuseum
A new and probably very occasional #photography series: #OnThisDate, in which I share photos taken on this date (plus or minus a couple of days) in years past.
This is #RobinsonPreserve, featuring its observation tower, near #Bradenton, #Florida, on this date in 2010. A storm is about to come in.
Robinson Preserve is a ten-acre tract that aims to preserve the #saltern habitat that has been rapidly vanishing from the #TampaBay area.
#photography #onthisdate #robinsonpreserve #bradenton #florida #saltern #tampabay #tomsphotosonthisdate