Hilarious comic "X Marks the Spot" by #TomTomorrow. (With apologies for referencing #birdsite one last time, of course.)
Chatted Up | The Nib
#TomTomorrow #TheNib #ChatBot #EndStageCapitalism #LargeAssLanguageModels #LargeLanguageModels
#largelanguagemodels #largeasslanguagemodels #endstagecapitalism #chatbot #thenib #tomtomorrow
Always Read the Fine Print | #TheNib #TomTomorrow #GunsEverywhereAllTheTime #GunsGunsGuns #Guns
This is the America Republicans want.
#guns #gunsgunsguns #gunseverywhereallthetime #tomtomorrow #thenib
Seeing Red by Tom Tomorrow
#thenib #tomtomorrow #MAGA #magagoggles
“This Modern World” added to comics aggregator
By way of penance for not removing JumpStart from my comics aggregator much sooner, I have added Tom Tomorrow's This Modern World. It comes out early Tuesday mornings. There's also a "(1-day delay)" version in case you like to read your comics in the middle of the night and don't want
#ComicsAggregator #SocialActivism #DanPerkins #ThisModernWorld #TomTomorrow
#comicsaggregator #socialactivism #danperkins #thismodernworld #tomtomorrow
Roads? Where we're going, we won't need roads.
Designs By Committee
by Tom Tomorrow
#thenib #rwnj #wokeness #culturewar #tomtomorrow
#tomtomorrow #thismodernworld #thenib