Tlaltecuhtli, 'Earth Lord/Lady,' was a Mesoamerican earth goddess associated with fertility. #History #SunStone #Tlaltecuhtli #Tonatiuh
#tonatiuh #tlaltecuhtli #sunstone #History
Tlaltecuhtli, 'Earth Lord/Lady,' was a Mesoamerican earth goddess associated with fertility. #History #SunStone #Tlaltecuhtli #Tonatiuh
#tonatiuh #tlaltecuhtli #sunstone #History
Tonatiuh, 'Turquoise Lord,' was the 5th and present sun in the Aztec view of the cosmos and the fierce sun god of several other Postclassic Mesoamerican cultures, including the Toltecs. #History #SunStone #Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli #Tonatiuh
#tonatiuh #tlahuizcalpantecuhtli #sunstone #History
Tonatiuh, 'Turquoise Lord,' was the 5th and present sun in the Aztec view of the cosmos and the fierce sun god of several other Postclassic Mesoamerican cultures, including the Toltecs. #SunStone #Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli #Tonatiuh #History
#History #tonatiuh #tlahuizcalpantecuhtli #sunstone
Tlaltecuhtli, 'Earth Lord/Lady,' was a Mesoamerican earth goddess associated with fertility. Envisioned as a terrible toad monster, her dismembered body gave rise to the world in the Aztec creation myth of the 5th and final cosmos. As a source of life, it was thought necessary to constantly appease her with blood sacrifices, especially human hearts. #SunStone #Tlaltecuhtli #Tonatiuh #History
#History #tonatiuh #tlaltecuhtli #sunstone
Tonatiuh, 'Turquoise Lord,' was the 5th and present sun in the Aztec view of the cosmos and the fierce sun god of several other Postclassic Mesoamerican cultures, including the Toltecs. It was thought that only the regular offering of hearts from sacrificial victims would nourish Tonatiuh so that he had the strength to reign supreme in the skies and battle each night the forces of darkness. For... #SunStone #Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli #Tonatiuh #History
#History #tonatiuh #tlahuizcalpantecuhtli #sunstone
Quando lo sciamano mi è un po' agée...
#adoroilgenio #12gennaio #storia #sole #diosole #Tonatiuh #gelato #cornetto #cornettoalgida #algida #cuore #cuoredipanna #sacrifici #incomprensioni #misunderstanding💔 #gelati #aztechi #religione #SacrificiUmani
#adoroilgenio #12gennaio #storia #sole #diosole #tonatiuh #gelato #cornetto #cornettoalgida #algida #cuore #cuoredipanna #sacrifici #incomprensioni #misunderstanding #gelati #aztechi #religione #sacrificiumani
Todays mediation will be spent and devoted to the #teteo by assuming their form chosen by the #tonalpohualli so we can awaken their likeness and wisdom within our own psyche ❣️
Day 6 is ruled by : #mictlantecuhtli
Day monkey is ruled by : #xochipili
13 week period 1-Death is ruled by : #Tecciztecatl,
with #Tonatiuh and #Tezcatlipoca
(To me Mictlantecuhtli the omnipresent death energy , Xochipilli is a happy flowery male essence , Tezcatlipoca has ruled this trecena but Tonatiuh is coming )
#teteo #tonalpohualli #mictlantecuhtli #xochipili #tecciztecatl #tonatiuh #tezcatlipoca
Todays mediation will be spent and devoted to the #teteo by assuming their form chosen by the #tonalpohualli so we can awaken their likeness and wisdom within our own psyche ❣️
Day 6 is ruled by : #mictlantecuhtli
Day Dog is ruled by : #xochipili
13 week period 1-Death is ruled by : #Tecciztecatl,
with #Tonatiuh and #Tezcatlipoca
(To me Mictlantecuhtli is death or the omnipresent death energy , Xochipilli is a happy flowery male essence , the week has had a strong Tez energy)
#teteo #tonalpohualli #mictlantecuhtli #xochipili #tecciztecatl #tonatiuh #tezcatlipoca
Todays mediation will be spent and devoted to the #teteo by assuming their form chosen by the #tonalpohualli so we can awaken their likeness and wisdom within our own psyche ❣️
Day 5 is ruled by : #Tlazoteotl
Day Dog is ruled by : #mictlantecuhtli
13 week period is ruled by : #Tecciztecatl,
with #Tonatiuh and #Tezcatlipoca
(To me Tlazoteotl is the one in charge of cleansing and getting rid of your filth/sin , Mictlantecuhtli is death aka my advisor, the week has had a strong Tez energy)
#teteo #tonalpohualli #tlazoteotl #mictlantecuhtli #tecciztecatl #tonatiuh #tezcatlipoca
Aztec sun stone
Heute vor 232 Jahren, am 17. Dezember 1790, wurde in #Tenochtitlán (Mexiko-Stadt) - durch Zufall bei Reparaturen an der spanischen Kathedrale - der sogenannte "Stein der Sonne" wiederentdeckt. Allerdings handelt es sich bei dem Stein eher nicht, wie ursprünglich angenommen, um eine Kalenderdarstellung, sondern um eine Skulptur. Das Bild in der Mitte zeigt eine aztekischen Gottheit: entweder den #Sonnengotten #Tonatiuh oder die #Erdgöttin #Tlaltecutli.
#tenochtitlan #sonnengotten #tonatiuh #erdgottin #tlaltecutli