#ForksandAltcoins #communityvote #pricemanipulation #TONblockchain TON Community Freezes Over 1 Billion Toncoins Across 171 Wallets: The TON blockchain community, which was created as part of the digital currency project for Telegram, recently held a vote to freeze 171 wallets that collectively hold more than 1 billion Toncoins. The freeze was implemented to safeguard against potential shocks and prevent any price manipulation of Toncoin.
The 171 dormant wallets on… https://btcnews.biz/forks-and-altcoins/ton-community-freezes-over-1-billion-toncoins-across-171-wallets/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#forksandaltcoins #communityvote #pricemanipulation #tonblockchain