tonight's read: one of the most vivid descriptions of a dementia-like confusion i've encountered, courtesy of #ToniMorrison . (Tar Baby, 1981)
'She was usually safe with soup, anything soft or liquid that required a spoon, but she was never sure when the confusion would return: when she would scrape her fork tines along the china trying to pick up the painted blossoms at its center, or forget to unwrap the Amaretti cookie at the side of her plate and pop the whole thing into her mouth.'
which is your favourite Toni Morrison novel?
(my instance only allows polls with up to four choices, so i picked four of the most well known. if you have a different favourite, leave it in the comments!)
#books #bookstodon #tonimorrison
“Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another.” ― Toni Morrison, Beloved
Just finished reading “Beloved” by Toni Morrison. I’m glad I did.
Another well done short animation about the author and this book.
#quotes #Bookstodon #reading #books #classics #ToniMorrison #animation
#quotes #bookstodon #reading #books #classics #tonimorrison #animation
#ToniMorrison , why'd you have to go? the world needs you
'When our fears have all been serialized, our creativity censured, our ideas "marketplaced," our rights sold, our intelligence sloganized, our strength downsized, our privacy auctioned; when the theatricality, the entertainment value, the marketing of life is complete, we will find ourselves living not in a nation but in a consortium of industries, and wholly unintelligible to ourselves except for what we see as through a screen darkly.'
#Iowa #SchoolDistrict bans 19 #books by #ToniMorrison, #MargaretAtwood after #AIReview for a bullshit claim of 'Depiction of Sex Act'
#iowa #schooldistrict #books #tonimorrison #margaretatwood #aireview #stopbookbans
This is also an excellent #documentary #ToniMorrison
Gizmodo: AI Is Being Used to Ban Books From School Libraries #iknowwhythecagedbirdsings #mayaangeloubridgetteexman #artificialintelligence #khaledhosseinicrank #patriciamccormick #killingmrgriffin #tiffanydjackson #theodoredreiser #margaretatwood #bridgetteexman #bookcensorship #censoredbooks #ellenhopkins #tonimorrison #jodipicoult #masoncounty #mayaangelou #alicewalker #sarahjmaas #loisduncan #johngreen #anderson
#iknowwhythecagedbirdsings #mayaangeloubridgetteexman #artificialintelligence #khaledhosseinicrank #patriciamccormick #killingmrgriffin #tiffanydjackson #theodoredreiser #margaretatwood #bridgetteexman #bookcensorship #censoredbooks #ellenhopkins #tonimorrison #jodipicoult #masoncounty #mayaangelou #alicewalker #sarahjmaas #loisduncan #johngreen #anderson
Es muss nicht immer ein ganz großes Feuerwerk sein, wenn es um die Liebe geht. Diese These stellt Jamila Woods in ihrem neuen Song auf. Damit kündigt die Gedichte-Liebhaberin auch ihr neues Album an. Was das mit Toni Morrion zu tun hat, darum geht es diesmal im Popfilter.
#DerSongDesTages #JamilaWoods #Popfilter #TinyGarden #ToniMorrison #WaterMadeUs #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#dersongdestages #jamilawoods #popfilter #tinygarden #tonimorrison #watermadeus #popfilterdersongdestages
“What *are* you without racism?” -Toni Morrison, May 1993 🖤💯🔥 #ToniMorrison #BlackMastodon #Mastodon #USA
#USA #Mastodon #BlackMastodon #tonimorrison
Estou lendo Amada, da Toni Morrison, bem devagarinho. Livro lindo e muito triste, onde o terror como gênero compete com o terror real da escravidão.
#literatura #livros #ToniMorrison
#literatura #livros #tonimorrison
Some of my personal favorites are:
#nkjemisin #OctaviaButler #LouiseErdrich #AkwaekeEmezi #EdenRobinson #CherieDimaline #NnediOkorafor #DarcieLittleBadger and #ToniMorrison
#nkjemisin #octaviabutler #louiseerdrich #akwaekeemezi #edenrobinson #cheriedimaline #nnediokorafor #darcielittlebadger #tonimorrison
“The war in Iraq” and the triumph of sarcasm: Toni Morrison’s “God Help the Child” in the mid-oughts in the United States. #111Words #ToniMorrison #GodHelpTheChild #BookerStarbern #WarInIraq #Cellphones #Sarcasm #Irony
#irony #sarcasm #cellphones #wariniraq #bookerstarbern #godhelpthechild #tonimorrison #111words
Minha tia está arrumando a estante e encontrei uma edição antiga de capa dura de Amada, da Toni Morrison. Comecei a ler.
At Princeton University, “Cycle of Creativity” sets Toni Morrison’s archive in dialogue with Alison Saar’s paintings, prints, and sculptures.
#Art #ToniMorrison #AlisonSaar
#art #tonimorrison #alisonsaar
“If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it.”
― Toni Morrison
#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #tonimorrison
#FinishedReading #Beloved by #ToniMorrison
Absolutely beautiful writing, absolutely devastating story
#bookstodon #tonimorrison #beloved #finishedreading
tonight's read: 'A Mercy,' by Toni Morrison.
'Whatever it was, [Jacob] couldn't stay there surrounded by a passel of slaves whose silence made him imagine an avalanche seen from a great distance. No sound, just the knowledge of a roar he could not hear.'
#reading #books #bookstodon #tonimorrison