RT @Justice4Mbobda@twitter.com
Heute vor 3 Jahren erfolgte #TonouMbobda's Aufnahme-EKG
- es war maschinell mit *pathologisches EKG* markiert und abgezeichnet
- weitere Abklärung oder EKG-Verlaufskontrollen unter Psychopharmaka unterblieben
Sie behaupten, er sei an e. unerkannten Herzkrankheit verstorben
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Justice4Mbobda/status/1515585641601552385
Demonstration: Africa Liberation Day / #JusticeForMBobda May 25 - 12:00 at #UKE #Hamburg - #TonouMbobda #HH2505 - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/05/16/demonstration-africa-liberation-day-justiceformbobda-may-25-1200-at-uke-hamburg/
#hh2505 #tonoumbobda #hamburg #uke #justiceformbobda
Enough is Enough: **Gathering to commemorate #TonouMbobda in #Hamburg – A reportback**
"On May 5 there was a gathering to commemorate WilliamTonou Mbobda in front of the W37 building of the University hospital Eppendorf (UKE) in Hamburg. Bobda died on April 26, after he was beaten up by UKE security personel on April 21."
#bot #Anarchism #hamburg #tonoumbobda
Gathering to commemorate #TonouMbobda in #Hamburg - A reportback - #antireport #LampedusaHH Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/05/07/gathering-to-commemorate-tonoumbobda-in-hamburg-a-reportback/
#lampedusahh #antireport #hamburg #tonoumbobda
Aufruf: Gerechtigkeit für unseren Bruder William #TonouMbobda! Das war Mord! - #Hamburg #HH1005 #LampedusaHH Weiterlesen auf: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2019/05/06/aufruf-hamburg-gerechtigkeit-fuer-unseren-bruder-william-tonoumbobda-das-war-mord/
#lampedusahh #hh1005 #hamburg #tonoumbobda
Enough is Enough: **#Hamburg Calling: Justice for our brother William #TonouMbobda! It was murder!!**
"Call by Lampedusa in Hamburg for a demonstration against the racist killing of late Tonou-Mbobda, who was killed by security officers at Hamburg University Hospital Eppendorf (UKE) on May 10."
#bot #Anarchism #tonoumbobda #hamburg
#Hamburg Calling: Justice for our brother William #TonouMbobda! It was murder!! Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/05/04/hamburg-calling-justice-for-our-brother-william-tonoumbobda-it-was-murder/