Abusive anti-gay French priest Tony Anatrella sanctioned by Vatican, but his survivors say they expected more ….
#TonyAnatrella #Vatican #Catholic #SexualAbuse #homophobia
#tonyanatrella #vatican #catholic #SexualAbuse #homophobia
“Vatican priest advisor on sexuality barred from priestly ministry”
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#pillarcatholic #tonyanatrella #pontificalsecret
Anatrella has played a prominent role at the Vatican, advising Catholic officials about issues of sexuality and urging the Vatican to bar gay men from the priesthood. He was a consultant to the Pontifical Council for the Family.
#TonyAnatrella #Catholic #SexualAbuse
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#tonyanatrella #catholic #SexualAbuse
Today, the Catholic archdiocese of Paris announced that after investigation of charges made against influential French priest Tony Anatrella, Anatrella has been sanctioned and can no longer celebrate Mass publicly, hear confessions, or continue his work as a psychotherapist.
Multiple credible allegations were made by young men Anatrella counseled of sexual advances he made against him.
#TonyAnatrella #Catholic #SexualAbuse
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#tonyanatrella #catholic #SexualAbuse