Remembering Tony Bennett
American crooner Tony Bennett drifted in and out of fashion over his long career, but he survived his contemporaries to become a much loved icon of the classic age of American song. #tonybennet
Great picture. We just recently lost #HarryBelafonte too.
Iconic people there.
The passing of the legendary Tony Bennett has, for me, precipitated the end of an era, a golden age of music.
Let's listen to some more Tony, shall we?
#tonybennet #endofanera #goldenage #music
RIP Tony Bennett, legendary singer beloved by generations of fans, has died at 96 - The Hollywood Reporter #tonybennet
I got to meet him once.
He watched and did our caricatures as we rehearsed West Side Story.
Afterwards we saw his show and met him backstage and he was charming and gracious.
Rest in peace Tony Bennet.
I remember this LP in our house when I was a child. “A Taste of Honey” was one of Dad’s favorites. Rest in Harmony #tonybennet
R.I.P. Anthony Benedetto AKA
Tony Bennett