This stuff *works*. After Kazakh state goons murdered at least 14 protesters at a Zhanaozen oil facility in 2011, human rights groups around the world took up the cause. But they were effectively neutralized by TUSNs, with former UK PM #TonyBlair writing on behalf of the Kazakh government to the EU condemning any international investigation into the mass killings (add "former Prime Ministers" to the list of UK commodities for sale to sufficiently well-resourced murderer).
Another reason, if any more are necessary, why it’s crucial to #StopStarmer!
“The Return of Tony #Blair: The former British prime minister, who left Downing Street widely unpopular, is back in favor with his party, #Labour, which hopes his political skills can be an advantage as an election nears”
“Mr. Blair, now 70, is graying, thinner and his face a little more gaunt than when he left Downing Street in 2007. But he still effortlessly held the stage as he told the audience that Britain would be in safe hands if Mr. Starmer won the next election.
‘It was like the apostolic succession was being declared,’ said John #McTernan 🤮 a political strategist and onetime aide to Mr. Blair, who added that ‘the chemistry between the two guys made you think they talk a lot and they understand each other.’”
via @NewYorkTimes
#TonyBlair #Iraq #WarCriminal #Austerity #ClassWar #NHSPrivatisation #Starmer #KidStarver #Zionism #Apartheid #LabourRacism #LabourLies #LabourStinks #ItWasAScam
#stopstarmer #blair #labour #mcternan #tonyblair #iraq #warcriminal #austerity #classwar #nhsprivatisation #starmer #kidstarver #zionism #apartheid #labourracism #labourlies #labourstinks #ItWasAScam
However you dress it up, the Iraq war was, under international law, an illegal act of aggression against a sovereign state. It constituted a #WarCrime and a #CrimeAgainstHumanity. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent people have paid with their lives or suffered unbelievable hardship as a direct result of that act of aggression!
Those who perpetrated that aggression in the name of democracy & the ending of a vile dictatorship, like #TonyBlair and #AlastairCampbell in the #UK, are guilty of War Crimes yet they remain free men: #Blair to earn £millions from advising various sordid dictatorships like Saudi Arabia; #Campbell to be feted on the #BBC state broadcaster & various other #CorporateMedia talk shows!
Conversely, #Wikileaks founder Julian #Assange, who exposed many of those heinous crimes, has been rotting away in isolation for years in #Britain’s top security Belmarsh prison & awaits possible extradition to the #US Imperium where he will likely be imprisoned & tortured for the rest of his days!
In this short but excellent @DoubleDownNews episode, Stop The War Coalition’s (#STWC) Lindsey German asks “What kind of world rewards war criminals & imprisons those who tell the truth?” She discusses the legacy of the Iraq War & makes a strong case for putting Blair (and other Iraq war criminals) in jail instead of Assange!
#warcrime #crimeagainsthumanity #tonyblair #AlastairCampbell #uk #blair #campbell #bbc #corporatemedia #wikileaks #assange #britain #us #stwc
Tony Blair Institute continued taking money from Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi murder | Tony Blair | The Guardian
Money is all they care about; #HumanRights don't matter, and never have.
#humanrights #tonyblair #capitalism
The establishment is worming out of climate commitments
It's not them who will make sacrifices, it's us #ClimateEmergency #ClimateDisaster #ClimateAction #TonyBlair #SirKidStarver #FossilFuelGiants #FossilFuelProfits #EndFossilFuels
#climateemergency #climatedisaster #climateaction #tonyblair #sirkidstarver #fossilfuelgiants #fossilfuelprofits #endfossilfuels
#CouncilEstateMedia | Who the hell put #TonyBlair back in charge of #Labour?
#starmer #labour #tonyblair #councilestatemedia
“Snuggling up” to Berlusconi? There’s a thought to give you the heebie-jeebies…
“And I think, frankly, the BBC should stand up for itself a bit more, to be blunt about it. And also, by the way, abroad the BBC is still regarded as an important British institution, and given our need to make sure we keep as much of a position of power in the world as we can, so whatever my disagreements from time to time, I still basically support it.”
Occasionally, TonyBLiar is right about something.
This kind of politics - the #Triangulation politics beloved of the #ConsultantClass - took over the Democratic Party in the #BillClinton years (see also: UK #Labour under #TonyBlair). But its foremost practitioner - the Triangulation #GOAT - was #BarackObama.
#triangulation #consultantclass #billclinton #labour #tonyblair #goat #barackobama
He must know. While posing as NHS's saviour from previous Tory abandonment back in the 90s, he introduced the private sector (greed), effectively assuring NHS's agonizing demise. Now, discredited and despised for his brilliant tenure at home and abroad (in due course recognized and rewarded by his masters), brings the last nail to the coffin. The nerve of the creature is astounding. #NHS #tonyblair #warlord
We should remember that when asked what was Thatcherism’s greatest achievement, Margaret Thatcher said: “Tony Blair and New Labour.”
- The Law and Order stuff. As Attorney General he imprisoned huge numbers of poor black kids. He still thinks that is the approach - racist and despicable though it is.
I think it's the totalitarianism which really galls me. The silencing and exclusion of anyone with vaguely left wing views.
So - on any reasonable measure the man is a #Tory. Just - like #TonyBlair before him - is in the wrong party.
So yes - sorry: but I have to insist - #StarmerIsATory - really and truly. /5
#starmerisatory #tonyblair #tory
Tragic to see that #KeirStarmer speeding over - timed to just miss Rishi doing the same - to kiss the #Murdoch ass when he was in London for his birthday party recently.
The world is fucked in large part because of Murdoch. A #Labour leader must know this. So therefore he has just decided to be pragmatic and suck up to him - as #TonyBlair did in order to get into power. With such catastrophic results for British democracy, the economy, basic fairness and liberal values.
#starmerisatory #tonyblair #labour #murdoch #keirstarmer
PANDORA PAPERS — The largest investigation in journalism history exposes a shadow financial system that benefits the world’s most rich and powerful.
#California #Interpol #Malibu #Pandora #PandoraPapers #Poroshenko #Putin #Russia #TonyBlair #Zelensky
#zelensky #tonyblair #russia #putin #poroshenko #PandoraPapers #pandora #malibu #interpol #california
Lest all those centrist toadies mouthing tributes to #GlendaJackson forget (which they don't), it should be poited out thatshe didn't buy the porkies of #TonyBlair #AlistairCampbell and #georgewbush
#glendajackson #tonyblair #alistaircampbell #georgewbush
UN-Bericht: "Ernsthafte" Sorge wegen KI-Deepfakes #KünstlicheIntelligenz #VereinteNationen #Großbritannien #futuresummit #tonyblair #KIGesetze #KI #un #UK #US
#kunstlicheintelligenz #VereinteNationen #Großbritannien #futuresummit #tonyblair #kigesetze #ki #UN #UK #US
UN report highlights ‘serious and urgent’ concerns about AI deepfakes - The UN wants to address AI-generated fake news and information as... - #artificialintelligence #ailegalframework #unitednations #futuresummit #tonyblair #ailaws #ai #un #uk #us
#us #uk #un #ai #ailaws #tonyblair #futuresummit #unitednations #ailegalframework #artificialintelligence
|To the extent that this happened as a result of influence of a Community Health Council it perhaps becomes easier to understand why #AlanMilburn and #TonyBlair were so keen to see the back of Community Health Councils!
Lots of 🐦&🐘 folk dunking on the #Coronation & calling not just for a #republic but for the abolition of the #HouseOfLords, forgetting HoL has recently been one of the few checks that worked against an authoritarian, law-breaking executive, and how the #UK govt routinely exploit every constitutional opportunity to evade scrutiny and accountability. Do you really want President #TonyBlair? President #BorisJohnson? President #LizTruss?
#liztruss #borisjohnson #tonyblair #uk #houseoflords #republic #Coronation
#OnThisDay, May 2, 1997, Tony Blair became Britain’s youngest prime minister since 1812 in a landslide victory (depicted in The Queen, 2006)
#onthisday #movies #film #cinemastodon #thequeen #tonyblair