"Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you? Did she die in vain!" https://youtu.be/oJ4mxOluXY4 #TonyHancock #MagnaCarta #BritishComedy
#tonyhancock #magnacarta #britishcomedy
Blood test in the morning. They say they’ll just need a smear.
So I told ‘em "It may be just a smear to you mate, but that's life and death to some poor wretch!"
#TonyHancock #BloodDonor Tees from Sillytees bit.ly/3d6gbbw
Mrs.C: Have you been having models up here, have there been naked women in my establishment?
#TonyHancock: Of course there haven't. I can't afford 30 bob an hour! I did that from memory. That is women as I see them.
Mrs C:Oh! You poor man
Tees by Sillytees bit.ly/3pIf9au
I'm in another one of those "Oh Mike How Many Times Are You Going to Watch That Bloody Film ?" moods.
I have a very understanding wife.
#Movies #EalingComedies #TerryThomas #CarryOn #DoctorintheHouse #SchoolforScoundrels #TonyHancock
Tees by Sillytees.co.uk
#movies #ealingcomedies #terrythomas #carryon #doctorinthehouse #schoolforscoundrels #tonyhancock
RT @SandAGNGuide@twitter.com
At one time #TonyHancock was the funniest man in Britain, yet a simmering mix of ego and insecurity. Stephen Walsh and Keith Page present his biography in the The Lad Himself. Includes funny new sketches! @johnfreeman_DTT@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SandAGNGuide/status/1648585723727998977
Stephen Walsh, Keith Page & Rob Jones's limited edition graphic novel about the great about comedy legend Tony Hancock from B7Media looks superb
John Freeman has details & preview pages on Down The Tubes
#comics #BandeDessinee #TonyHancock #GraphicNovels #bandedessinée #comedy #biography
#biography #comedy #graphicnovels #tonyhancock #bandedessinee #comics
[1965] Go to work on an egg - Advert from the United Kingdom's Egg Marketing Board featuring Tony Hancock and Patricia Hayes.
#OldBritishTelly #PatriciaHayes #tonyhancock
[1996] Paul Merton in Galton and Simpson's... - "The Radio Ham", an amateur radio enthusiast spends his time exchanging useless information with boring people on a global basis. Suddenly, he picks up a real distress call and finds himself in a situation which he tries his best to keep for himself.
A remake of the classic from 1961 with Tony Hancock.
#OldBritishTelly #PaulMerton #tonyhancock
Spotted on the pavement a while back. Stone me, that's very nearly an albumful...
#vinyl #TonyHancock
Watching the new #TonyHancock documentary. Had no idea his giant Teddy still exists
RT @EltonMaryon@twitter.com
Looking forward to seeing the new documentary on the lad himself tomorrow night at 8 on @goldchannel@twitter.com - #TonyHancock: Very Nearly an Armful, followed by two spruced-up & colourised classic episodes written by the great comedy pioneers #RayGalton & #AlanSimpson.
A real telly treat!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EltonMaryon/status/1613953539608383506
#alansimpson #raygalton #tonyhancock
Mrs.C: Have you been having models up here, have there been naked women in my establishment?
#TonyHancock: Of course there haven't. I can't afford 30 bob an hour! I did that from memory. That is women as I see them.
Mrs C:Oh! You poor man
Tees by Sillytees https://bit.ly/3pIf9au
(back Friday 6th Jan)
If you’ve got h-h-h-half an hour to spare, I’d recommend listening to this masterpiece of comedy writing and performance. It was first broadcast in 1959 and yet it still sparkles, while pretty much nailing the art of sitcom from the off. #GaltonAndSimpson #TonyHancock https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b007k06k
#tonyhancock #galtonandsimpson
If you’ve got h-h-h-half an hour to spare, I’d recommend listening to this masterpiece of comedy writing and performance. It was first broadcast in 1959 and yet it still sparkles, while pretty much nailing the art of sitcom from the off. #GaltonAndSimpson #TonyHancock https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b007k06k
#tonyhancock #galtonandsimpson
@instantkarma80 You are not alone Rich!
Love #goons #RoundTheHorne #ISIRTA #oldharrysgame and more : #navylark (hence my username) #dadsarmy #JustAMinute and of course, #tonyhancock
This list could go on!!
#Goons #RoundTheHorne #ISIRTA #oldharrysgame #navylark #DadsArmy #JustAMinute #tonyhancock
Listening to The Missing Hancocks tonight.
I was lucky enough to go to a couple of these recordings at the BBC radio theatre
Neil Pearson stood up and announced Galton and Simpson were in the audience.
Without a blink of an eye, every person the the studio stood up and applauded.
A very moving experience.
And sad to hear Freddie Hancock passed away a couple of days ago.
#bbc #radio #comedy #BBCSounds #tonyhancock
It is very good indeed. And it is a source of the #TonyHancock comedies I really am addicted to.
Another Wet Sunday Morning. God I'm Bored! #StoneMe #TonyHancock Tees by Sillytees https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264497169589?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=svYBu4TfQ4m&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=svYBu4TfQ4m&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
"You're never alone with a pilchard."
#Stretford #tonyhancock #galtonandsumpson
[1960] Face to Face - John Freeman cross-examines Tony Hancock. Freeman’s interview was heavily criticised. He was considered too brusque, almost ruthless in his technique. But the two became close friends and it is an interview many remember.
Part 1: https://youtu.be/lnkovGeASzE
Part 2: https://youtu.be/Z3UMgqMCPQE
Part 3: https://youtu.be/Df85XWfbcTs
#OldBritishTelly #tonyhancock #JohnFreeman