A twist on the introduction: introduce yourself using five videogames to get to know you.
#gry #giereczkowo #videogames #introduction #gaming #gamers #maxpayne2 #thelastofus #tonyhawkproskater2 #witcher3 #footballmanager
@PanNindyk ty mówisz #TonyHawkProSkater2, a ja słyszę:
There's a place where everyone can be happy
It's the most beautiful place in the whole f***ing world
Pierwszy łańcuszek mastodonowy? Dobra, wchodzę w to 😁
A twist on the introduction: introduce yourself using five videogames to get to know you.
(#Gamers #Gaming #Introduction #VideoGames #giereczkowo #gry)
#gry #giereczkowo #videogames #introduction #gaming #gamers #NaritaBoy #katanazero #tonyhawkproskater2 #monkeyisland2 #AnotherWorld