Tony Williams Lifetime with Jack Bruce - Live at the Beat Club 1970

Never released until now, 53 years after it was done.

Tony Williams is simply not human here, more like a machine. Indeed they all actually sound like machines at work, playing together in total musical chemistry. John McLaughlin with a Les Paul I never knew he had. The whole video looks like some video done for a band like A Certain Ratio 10 years later, dark and mysterious in some after hours club in West Berlin.

Not sure if this was the only cut they did for this tv show or they did a whole set but this channel The Beat Club on YouTube has some amazing rare footage of artists most people are not aware of and I would not be surprised if they actually do have a live set to be released. (Hopefully on CD or LP as well…)

The idea of free music and freedom of expression in general by bands like this back then is sorely missed today in a world of rehash and commerciality just for the sake of getting popular through streaming. Slight shades of Henry Cow as well. Absolutely amazing.

#tonywilliamslifetime #tonywilliams #jackbruce #johnmclaughlin #larryyoung

Last updated 1 year ago