@Rasp @billstclair
We should add a rather large caveat to what we wrote above.

In today's system, where the is the means of from the worker (plunder) it is almost impossible to achieve the above stated work environment.

The system that allows to protect politically connected corporations that are , means that the vast majority of are made made extinct.

#neocolonial #moneySupply #extraction #corporatist #moneyPrinting #tooBigToExist #smallholders #bitcoinfixesthis

Last updated 1 year ago

We only ask because they all seem to be on CAGEMAFIA servers and thus feed the .

Feeding them ones relationship data would seem problematic, but we are told their terms of service also expose a person to a host of privacy abuses also.


Last updated 1 year ago

cdnScape™ Explorer®™ lol


Sites go through Tor-first. If deemed ethical and don't use any CAGEMAFIA services they're marked CLEAR for max six months and go through clearnet.

If at any moment a site attempts a CAGEMAFIA fetch, the site is marked for upto 6 months through Tor depending on severity of offending fetch(s).

Reverse proxied , , and sites offer extreme warning, along with a colourful offensive image of user's choosing.


#tooBigToExist #cloudflare #akamai #amazon

Last updated 2 years ago

@MacropodCare @QasimRashid
There are countries that are simply too big to not be balkanized () one of those is the in our view.

Also China, Russia, India, EU and Brazil are worthy candidates to be halved. It would need to happen all at the same time, though.

And a corporate entities cannot have both headquarters and assets split across more than three countries.

#brokenup #usa #tooBigToExist

Last updated 2 years ago

@atomicpoet @witchescauldron @mensrea @gisiger
If a CDN becomes too big the result is a just another problem. Again, censorship and suppression at scale in the form of denial of serving content like and is possible.

The CDN can also begin to gather data on users, for example when they are accessing the content and what content do they tend to look at etc.

The very nature of the is unworkable. Alternatives like and Tor exist.

#centralisation #images #videos #tooBigToExist #legacyInternet #i2p

Last updated 2 years ago

MICROSHAFT'S CYBER ATTACK proudly displayed on 's home page:

> "Where the world builds software

> "Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub—the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.

> "83+ million Developers

> "4+ million Organizations

> "200+ million Repositories

> "90% Fortune 100

Okay, mafia.

#griftHub #cyberwarfare #cyberattack #tooBigToExist #cageFam #microsoft #technoFeudalist #copilot #organisedCrime #droneCult

Last updated 2 years ago


> On the other hand, we should take care to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

One would be hard-pressed to find a single person who thinks Amazon is good. Even the one person we know who is a resisting consumer at Amazon admits to us that they think they are bad, and this person calls themselves "apolitical".

Amazon is among as bad as they get, and they do suppress also when its expedient.

Its a sorry option on all fronts.


#antitrust #tooBigToExist #surveillance #cdns

Last updated 3 years ago

Interview with Former Independent Expert on .

Topics discussed include the , media , the need to break up the , a , the state of , and the need to demand 's immediate release.


#un #InternationalOrder #HumanRightsIndustry #suppression #tooBigToExist #book #TheInternet #julianassange #RenegadeInc

Last updated 3 years ago

They say write code:

NEW LAW:– No corporate entity may have control over more that 1 million IPv4 addresses, and 16 million IPv6.

Ready. Fedi. Go!!

If they can't operate an with 17 million they ought to go for a long swim on a short ocean (or something like that).

Boost to summon the .

#cypherpunks #internet #isp #IPAddresses #tooBigToExist #TheInternet #isps #antitrust

Last updated 3 years ago

- Agree, that goes up slightly with age.
- landTax (12.5-50% of rentalValue or a maximumRentalIncome),
- break up the "" (CAGEFAM)
- make the new internet standard, make thirdParty illegal to aid privacy and safety of citizens from predation,
- (USA) break up bigPharma or do for .
- make and govt FOSS only.
- (if you don't like BTC) monero.


#ubi #tooBigToExist #onionrouting #dataMatching #undemocratic #singlepayer #medications #schools

Last updated 3 years ago

Don't be to tough on our friend. Even if he needs to be moderate he's still a friend. :)

Some would argue that the way China are going after their and this year, that they are ensuring their ppl will enjoy greater choice and freedom in the long term.

In the west we are being sacrificed to .

If we had to choose it would be sacrificing the too big, rather than the people. Its unfortunate to see the algorithm doing its thing here.

#bigtech #tooBigToExist #theirAlgorithms

Last updated 3 years ago

What if there existed a company that is likely to learn how much you have in the and which and or that you are looking at moving into?

Does anyone else see the intense danger here, especially if there was some kind of ?

Anyway, that company is .

#bank #homes #land #databreach #cloudflare #bigtech #wallstreet #debtslavery #bigdata #cyberthreat #bankerCrimes #crimeagainsthumanity #malware #tooBigToExist #virus #cloudflareIsTheMalware

Last updated 3 years ago

Seeing go after and big is something dreams are made of, also.

We hope are taking notes.

#china #bigtech #propertySpeculators #australia #rentseekers #tooBigToExist

Last updated 3 years ago

@strypey @rysiek @feditips
Clarification: China is , **like the , , , and .**

#tooBigToExist #usa #russia #brazil #eu #india

Last updated 3 years ago

For those interested, the rest was Stephan Molyneux' essay was fine.

And in fact we were already quite close to the end of his little essay. The rest of the page was comments and he deserves respect for keeping comments up that were not glowing.

We do take issue with broad strokes . Beyond a certain point, property stops being a valued part of a person's being. There is such a thing as (in its current form). That's where and are needed.

#propertyrights #tooBigToExist #thePeople #antitrust

Last updated 4 years ago

We may've just made an app that changes the on , to a on red — same.

It may not be able to detect different sized , though.

May be hoping to release it on .

#bluecheck #birdsite #swastika #fakebook #bluechecks #fdroid #corporatismIsFacism #corporatewelfare #twitter #facebook #tooBigToExist

Last updated 4 years ago

These mega corps already signal to people they do great stuff, though.

The issue is they are

(As it relates to Pokemon, if you talk to a and Pokémon enthusiast you'll discover that the designs are inspired often by real animals, so maybe the main issue is there isn't a definitive resource to read about it?)

#tooBigToExist #naturalhistory

Last updated 4 years ago

The offers bright, blank, white pages to users when their is – that's most of the time.

The URL seems to imply they are attempting to serve content with ?

Does this mean "Democracy Dies in… Lightness"

#washingtonpost #torbrowser #exitNode #europe #gdpr #javascript #tor #corporatemedia #bigdata #amazon #monopoly #antitrust #jeffbezos #tooBigToExist

Last updated 4 years ago

Quite simply, is and thus .

We strongly believe that any govt institution that uses them is aiding and abetting a process of (aka ).

Its that serious… and yes, add it to the long list.


#amazon #tooBigToCare #tooBigToExist #CorporateTotalitarianism #fascism #OpenHardwareNow

Last updated 4 years ago