@ridp Of course it could come from any badly moderated instance and I guess moderators would just write to the admins and in the end defederate.
Or silence as I do with a kinky queer instance I really appreciate but unfortunately can’t show to users of unknown age.
It’s just that #MastodonSocial is one of the largest, most publicly advertised instances and #tooBigToBlock. So it’s a shame that it is a source of such material.
IMHO it has grown to a dangerous size.
#mastodonsocial #toobigtoblock
@feorag #MastodonSocial is one of the official Mastodon Mega-Instances. I am now considering silencing this Mega-Instance because I can’t be arsed to be distributing #Porn-#Spam to minors.
(And I am a fucking sex positive person. :-) )
If you can’t moderate your instance, stop growing.
#toobigtoblock #mastodonsocial #porn #spam
@jens researchfairy ist vor einem Jahr ziemlich vehement dafür eingetreten, die Mega-Instanzen zu blocken, bevor sie #tooBigToBlock werden. Ich glaube mittlerweile, das wäre richtig gewesen und daß wir den Zeitpunkt verpasst haben.
#toobigtoblock #fedipact #mastodonsocial
@adlerweb angesichts dessen dass #Outlook.com, #YahooMail und #GMail bereits jetzt ihr "#TooBigToJail" aka. "#TooBigToBlock" missbrauchen sollten wir dies nicht auch woanders tolerieren!
#whatyouallowiswhatwillcontinue #toobigtoblock #tooBigToJail #Gmail #yahoomail #outlook
@thefreehunter whereas if we allow the #GAFAMs inside, we instantly get "#TooBigToJail" or rather #TooBigToBlock instances which - like with #Spam from #GMail, #Outlook.com & #YahooMail - can basically deny to ever give a damn aboit their users' misbehaving and toxifying the #Fediverse.
These people fled here because :facebook: , #tumblr, :twitter: , :reddit: & Co. went :birdsite: :vomit: :trash: ...
And it's not funny!
#tumblr #Fediverse #yahoomail #outlook #Gmail #spam #toobigtoblock #tooBigToJail #gafams
@mastodonmigration depends...
In the end it's up to every server & instance admin to make a decisin.
Personally I'd recommend people who can to do #SelfHosting.
Also based off #TooBigToBlock issues with #eMail - #Spamming, I think we need to avoid creating the #Fediverse :fediverse: - equivalents of #GMail :gmail: , #YahooMail :yahoo: & #Outlook.com where said hosters get away with ignoring #abuse #reports...
Sometimes a precendent must be set and "Fix your spamming or GTFO" is reasonable.
#reports #abuse #outlook #yahoomail #Gmail #Fediverse #spamming #Email #toobigtoblock #SelfHosting
Yeah, people are ignorant and unless one forces #TechIlliterates into things for their own good, shit will only get worse...
99,9% of all #Spam is caused by #Gmail, #Outlook.com & #YahooMail refusing to take #Abuse #reports seriously.
Everyone who even does 1 eMail without SPF records will get instantly shafted by these #TooBigToBlock - #Corporations!
#corporations #toobigtoblock #reports #abuse #yahoomail #outlook #Gmail #spam #TechIlliterates
@euroinfosec the sheer fact that they needed to be court-ordered says a lot about the #AbuseHandling of #Microsoft and it's Services.
#TooBigToBlock is a serious issue with #eMail, as #Gmail, #Outlook.com & #YahooMail are the primary sources of #Spam and #Malware via eMail...
#Malware #spam #yahoomail #outlook #Gmail #Email #toobigtoblock #Microsoft #abusehandling
mastodon.social is too big to provide consistent, instance-wide moderation and develop a consistent culture. Since it has so many accounts, there will always be accounts that make federating with it impossible for other instances.
Instances like these need to stop accepting new accounts and they need to split up.
Otherwise the fight about whether or not to block huge instances will do much damage and split the network.