TooFatLardies Lard Magazine winter edition now available.
#TooFatLardies #CoC #28mm #IABSM
#toofatlardies #coc #28mm #iabsm
TooFatLardies Lard Magazine winter edition now available.
#TooFatLardies #CoC #28mm #IABSM
#toofatlardies #coc #28mm #iabsm
Welcome to all the newcomers! In my short time here, I have found some amazing folks. Check 'em out!
Molotov Cockatiel!
Army Men Around the House!
Loren Hall!
Bos Models!
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#3dprinting, #historical_wargaming #TooFatLardies
#Chain_of_Command #resinprinting
#miniaturepainting #miniatures #3dprinting #historical_wargaming #toofatlardies #bolt_action #chain_of_command #resinprinting #airbrush #stoicism #ff #followfriday
Welcome to all the newcomers! In my short time here, I have found some amazing folks. Check 'em out!
Molotov Cockatiel!
Army Men Around the House!
Loren Hall!
Bos Models!
🧿 Follow me for: 🧿
#miniaturepainting #miniatures #3dprinting, #historical_wargaming #TooFatLardies #Bolt_Action #Chain_of_Command #resinprinting #airbrush #stoicism
#miniaturepainting #miniatures #3dprinting #historical_wargaming #toofatlardies #bolt_action #chain_of_command #resinprinting #airbrush #stoicism #ff #followfriday
An American Rifle Platoon painted and now ready for basing for #ChainOfCommand. An entire army painted mostly in an evening. Small scales will never cease to amaze.
#ArtAdventCalendar day 1, wargames edition
#chainofcommand #artadventcalendar #miniatures #miniaturepainting #wwii #ww2 #toofatlardies
Talking of YouTube, please go and watch "Through the Mud and the Blood Rules Giveaway Competition | Storm of Steel Wargaming" on YouTube
#wargames #wargaming #stormofsteel #toofatlardies
A l'époque où je pratiquais le #jeudHistoire avec #figurines, j'ai pu pratiquer un certain nombre de règles.
J'avais été séduit par le concept d'un groupe de wargamers britanniques #TooFatLardies qui publiaent de nombreuses règles sur un principe simple mais que je trouve aujourd'hui essentiel :
"Play the period, not the rules" i.e. Jouer la période pas les règles. C'était un grand non à l’optimisation des "armées" que l'on retrouve trop souvent voir exclusivement avec les règles de tournoi.
#jeudhistoire #figurines #toofatlardies
Ok, my first real Mastodon post! I have bought a copy of 'Blood of Ancients', the latest hex based miniature wargaming rules from Military Miniatures. I plan to use my Kallistra 10cm hexes, but squeezing 8 figure units, into a 10cm frontage, needs some compact movement trays.
I found these in my MDF bits box, but cannot remember where I bought them? Any suggestions?
Final post for the day, here’s some of my mythological games and minis - Celtic, Norse and Greek. We usually play Osprey’s Of Gods And Mortals for skirmishes or my own Midgard Heroic Battles for bigger scraps. More on my blog: #MidgardHeroicBattles #GreekMythology #CelticMythology #NorseMythology #28mmWargaming #OspreyWargames #TooFatLardies #wargames #28mmwargaming #miniatures #wargaming #mogsymakes
#midgardheroicbattles #greekmythology #celticmythology #norsemythology #28mmwargaming #ospreywargames #toofatlardies #wargames #miniatures #wargaming #mogsymakes
And a gallery of some recent historical games that I’ve put on with friends from the Morris & Chums group at the Partizan Show in Newark on Trent, UK #PartizanShow #NewarkIrregulars #HistoricalWargaming #28mmWargaming #MidgardHeroicBattles #MedievalWargaming #WargamingInTheDarkAges #wargames #28mmMiniatures #MiniatureWargaming #miniatures #UKWargaming #TooFatLardies #toofatlardies
#partizanshow #newarkirregulars #historicalwargaming #28mmwargaming #midgardheroicbattles #medievalwargaming #wargaminginthedarkages #wargames #28mmminiatures #Miniaturewargaming #miniatures #ukwargaming #toofatlardies
Tolkien gallery of recent games and minis inspired by Middle-earth. #mogsymakes #MidgardHeroicBattles #WargamingInMiddleEarth #OathmarkMiniatures #NorthstarMilitaryFigures #Tolkien #MiddleEarth #28mmWargaming #MiddleEarthStrategyBattlegame #GamesWorkshopMiniatures #WargamesAtlanticMiniatures #28mmMiniatures #TooFatLardies
#mogsymakes #midgardheroicbattles #wargaminginmiddleearth #oathmarkminiatures #northstarmilitaryfigures #Tolkien #MiddleEarth #28mmwargaming #MiddleEarthStrategyBattlegame #gamesworkshopminiatures #wargamesatlanticminiatures #28mmminiatures #toofatlardies
Now I have this working on my phone, time for a bit of an intro. I’m James Morris, wargamer since I was a kid, love everything positive in the hobby: painting, gaming, researching, writing, making terrain, the social stuff. Just never enough time! Here’s a few of my pics. Blog/website at #mogsymakes #28mmwargaming #28mmminiatures #wargames #miniaturepainting #miniaturephotography #Tolkien #WargamingInMiddleEarth #MidgardHeroicBattles #PartizanShow #TooFatLardies
#mogsymakes #28mmwargaming #28mmminiatures #wargames #miniaturepainting #miniaturephotography #Tolkien #wargaminginmiddleearth #midgardheroicbattles #partizanshow #toofatlardies
Finished up a Panzergrenadier Platoon a bit ago. I'll be breaking these dudes in on our upcoming Historical Gaming Day.
#Chain_of_Command #15mm #miniatures #miniaturepainting #historical_wargaming #ChainOfCommand #TooFatLardies
#toofatlardies #chain_of_command #15mm #miniatures #miniaturepainting #historical_wargaming #chainofcommand
Infamy, Infamy soon? May be #SpreadtheLard #toofatlardies #wargaming #infamyinfamy
#SpreadtheLard #toofatlardies #wargaming #infamyinfamy
My last minis #toofatlardies #spreadthelard #chainofcommand #wargames
#toofatlardies #SpreadtheLard #chainofcommand #wargames