uhm, de-nazification in works💪🏼just not in UKR😬🤷🏻♂️ #utkin #prigozhin #denazification #restinpeaces #canitbetrue #toogoodtobetrue #wagner
#Utkin #Prigozhin #denazification #restinpeaces #canitbetrue #toogoodtobetrue #Wagner
@atecon bei Heise war eine ähnliche Kritik im Forum, wenn auch weniger detailliert. Endet alles beim #hashtag #toogoodtobetrue
heise online: Forscher wollen Supraleiter bei Raumtemperatur entdeckt haben https://www.heise.de/news/Forscher-wollen-Supraleiter-bei-Raumtemperatur-entdeckt-haben-9227780.html
Kein Druck, keine besonderen Temperaturen, relativ leicht herzustellen. #toogoodtobetrue
Temu Is Losing Millions of Dollars to Send You Cheap Socks - The Chinese shopping app is topping app stores in the US. But it’s burning money and sque... - https://www.wired.com/story/temu-is-losing-millions-of-dollars-to-send-you-cheap-socks/ #business/nationalaffairs #toogoodtobetrue #business
Wired: Temu Is Losing Millions of Dollars to Send You Cheap Socks https://www.wired.com/story/temu-is-losing-millions-of-dollars-to-send-you-cheap-socks/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Business/NationalAffairs #on-demandeconomy #TooGoodToBeTrue #onlineshopping #eCommerce #Business #Shopping #Retail #China #Apps #Temu
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #business #on #toogoodtobetrue #onlineshopping #ecommerce #shopping #retail #china #apps #temu
No no no, this isn't s "finally" situation. HRB & QB have sunk BANK into preventing this. What happened? Where's the money coming from that caused this to happen and what's it attached to?
#DontHateMeBecauseImCynical #FollowTheMoney #TooGoodToBeTrue
#toogoodtobetrue #followthemoney #donthatemebecauseimcynical
It didn't take long to find the bullshit on your site:
"The VPN encrypts your internet traffic and hides your IP address, making it impossible for anyone to track your online activities."
There are many ways to track a person's online activity that doesn't involve an i.p. address.
#Scam #vpn #ip #ipaddress #toogoodtobetrue
Never believe a supervisor when they tell you a meeting will last five minutes cause it won’t. #TooGoodToBeTrue
Chances are you don't have a #MINFLUX microscope and expert in your lab!
Don't let that stop you if you want to distinguish objects that are <10nm apart!
Apply to access MINFLUX at OCTOPUS, Harwell via @EuroBioImaging and get expert support for your project! #TooGoodToBeTrue
RT @EuroBioImaging
Want to see objects that are merely 5 nm apart - or track them in live cells with high temporal resolution? Give #MINFLUX a try🔬! Chr…
GOLEM: Arcelor Mittal: Investition von 120 Millionen Dollar in grünen Stahl https://www.golem.de/news/arcelor-mittal-investition-von-120-millionen-dollar-in-gruenen-stahl-2301-171529.html
„Molten Oxide Electrolysis (MOE) wandelt nach Angaben des Unternehmens selbst gering- und mittelwertiges Eisenerz direkt in hochreines geschmolzenes Eisen um“ #toogoodtobetrue?
looking for a new fuel pump continued;
Then I found a napa store that says they could have it by tomorrow. it sounds good but when I have it in my hands I'll let you know, #skoolie #fuelPump #tooGoodToBeTrue
#skoolie #fuelpump #toogoodtobetrue
BASIC THINKING: Gedruckte Solarzellen sollen auf jeder Oberfläche Strom erzeugen https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2022/12/14/gedruckte-solarzellen/
MIT Forschung: wird auf einen Stoff gedruckt, der auch in schusssicheren Westen steckt. Superdünn, superleicht, und es soll auch supereffizient sein. #toogoodtobetrue? Gedruckte Solarzellen blieben bisher immer nur ein nicht eingelöstes Versprechen …
#GoodMorning #Hello, is this thing on #HowAreYou?
You're just scrolling around seeing who's up? Or do we have a hashtag convention for, #LetTheBellsRignOut I know it's #TooGoodToBeTrue, but I'm here. But, I'm kinda not here.
Right in the middle of an email, my internet went down, just after 4am, that's my *productive* time online, when you youngsters are still sleeping #HoHoHo
This is my Real phone, the tiny pocket size one, waiting for a call from Tech Support. I'll be back, I hope, later
#GoodMorning #hello #HowAreYou #letthebellsrignout #toogoodtobetrue #HoHoho