Just a grumble!
My BP has dropped badly again, splitting fkn headache, can't take anything for it and I'm bloody melting cause I'm not built for this heat.
Its not making stitching much fun today.
Plus side, the neighbour from hell has buggered off again, so at least I can relax a bit more (she stays at her partners most of the time).
I'd scream if my head wasn't so sore.
Roll on Monday and the GP again.
#fiisagrumpycowtoday #chronicillness #toohot #randomthoughts
How many times this week have you said
"It's September, it shouldn't be this hot!?" 😓
It is far too hot to be out in the sun today.
Struggling with the heat and I have been mostly in the shade this morning.
Treadmill Time
Snap 🫰 to pretend it's fun 🤣
Can't wait till it's autumn..I want to be running outside damnit
#runnersofmastodon #runnergirl #music #warmupmusic #toohot
#runnersofmastodon #runnergirl #music #warmupmusic #toohot
If you can't walk barefoot bc the pavement is too hot, neither should your dog. Be aware of what hot pavement will do to their paws. Walking on hot pavement can cause blistering/bleeding/burning! SO painful for them!!! A few ways to help prevent this: walk EARLY in the morning and later in the evening, walk on the grass (not dry dead grass, it can be hot and painful when poking their paws) or walk in the shade.
#HeatWave #TooHot #Dogs #DogsOfMastodon #SeattleHeat #Seattle #SeattleDogs #PNWDogs
#pnwdogs #seattledogs #Seattle #seattleheat #dogsofmastodon #Dogs #toohot #heatwave
If you love your pets KEEP THEM HOME! We know you might think it's a great time to take your dog for a long walk or hiking. Most dogs can't handle being out in the heat and having to walk for hours. We see so many stories about people needing their dogs rescued from a mountain or woods bc of heat exhaustion, those dogs were lucky and survived. Yours might not be so lucky.
#HeatWave #TooHot #Dogs #DogsOfMastodon #SeattleHeat #Seattle #SeattleDogs #PNWDogs
#pnwdogs #seattledogs #Seattle #seattleheat #dogsofmastodon #Dogs #toohot #heatwave
#Phoenix will be the first major U.S. city to average 100-plus degrees all month https://wapo.st/3DmXm0f
#phoenix #azwx #toohot #ClimateChange
"LONG WAY DOWN" by David Guilbault
"Long Way Down" © 2015 David Guilbault
#heat #heatwave #recordheat #globalwarming #climatechange #existentialthreat #existentialcrisis #toohot #substack #substacknewsletter #substacknotes #singersongwriter #originalsong #originalmusic
#heat #heatwave #recordheat #globalwarming #climatechange #existentialthreat #existentialcrisis #toohot #substack #substacknewsletter #substacknotes #singersongwriter #originalsong #originalmusic
Not only is it #toohot here in Austin to even consider going out, but now I have to be reminded of the greatest TV show atrocity of the 2000s. #leafonthewind #CarrotWeather
#toohot #leafonthewind #CarrotWeather
Me: oh, the restaurant is only 4min drive away? Is it walkable?
Map📱: 30min walk 👍
Me: Cool, I could walk.
Me: ... Or not.
#arizona #toohot #summer #atleastitsadryheat
Am dedded. Leev me alone. #caturday #CatsofMastodon #TooHot
#caturday #catsofmastodon #toohot
I seem to have spent a lot of today being too hot. Even my fucking hands are hot. 93% humidity at 11 o'clock at night is not pleasant.
#today #toohot #isittimeforaraindance