Bringing Da Vinci’s Saw Mill to Life - DaVinci’s notebook — the real one, not the band — was full of wonderous inventions... - #leonardodavinci #woodworking #toolhacks #history #sawmill
#sawmill #history #toolhacks #woodworking #leonardodavinci
Agreeing by Disagreeing - While we were working on the podcast this week, Al Williams and I got into a debat... - #hackadaycolumns #toolhacks #rants
#rants #toolhacks #hackadaycolumns
Wien Bridge Oscillator Drives Distortion Into the Floor - It’s not often that a single photo can tell you pretty much everything you need to... - #audiofrequency #notchfilter #attenuator #distortion #wienbridge #toolhacks #agc #thd
#thd #agc #toolhacks #wienbridge #distortion #attenuator #notchfilter #audiofrequency
Finally, a Machine to Organize Resistors! - Perhaps it’s a side-effect of getting older, but it seems like reading the color b... - #raspberrypipico #toolhacks #resistors #hardware
#hardware #resistors #toolhacks #raspberrypipico
Fiery Torch Build Is Remarkably Stylish - Hollywood movies, RPGs, and Dungeons and Dragons campaigns are all full of flaming... - #flamingtorch #toolhacks #flames #torch
#torch #flames #toolhacks #flamingtorch
Hackaday Prize 2023: 10 kW Electronic Load - [tinfever] needed a high-power benchtop electronic load for an upcoming project, a... - #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #electronicload #toolhacks #highpower #stm32 #pwm
#pwm #stm32 #highpower #toolhacks #electronicload #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize
Making an Injection Mold For Yourself - Injection molding is the obvious onward step from 3D printing when the making of a... - #injectionmolding #toolhacks #machining #cnc
#cnc #machining #toolhacks #injectionmolding
PCB Toaster Oven Solders Your Boards - Using a toaster oven to reflow PCBs isn’t anything new, but just using a toaster o... - #reflowoven #toolhacks
QSPICE Picks Up Where LTSpice Left Us - [Mike Engelhardt] is a name that should be very familiar to the hardcore electroni... - #mikeengelhardt #softwarehacks #mixed-mode #simulation #toolhacks #ltspice #verilog #analog #power #qorvo #spice #c
#c #spice #qorvo #power #analog #verilog #ltspice #toolhacks #simulation #mixed #softwarehacks #mikeengelhardt
Hackaday Prize 2023: Jumperless, The Jumperless Jumperboard - Jumperless is a jumperless breadboard with multicolored LED visualization of signa... - #solderlessbreadboard #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #hackadaycolumns #raspberrypipico #jumperboard #toolhacks #ch446q #python #kicad #wokwi #led
#led #wokwi #kicad #python #ch446q #toolhacks #jumperboard #raspberrypipico #hackadaycolumns #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize #solderlessbreadboard
Over-the-Top Programmable Resistor Looks the Part and Performs - Every once in a while we get wind of a project that we’re reluctant to write up fo... - #programmable #toolhacks #metrology #precision #resistor #decade #stm32 #scpi
#scpi #stm32 #decade #resistor #precision #metrology #toolhacks #programmable
Hackaday Prize 2023: Universal Tensile Testing Machine - Material testing is important in big industry, where manufacturers must be able to... - #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #materialtesting #tensiletesting #toolhacks #materials #material
#material #materials #toolhacks #tensiletesting #materialtesting #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize
UChaser Follows You Anywhere - If you’ve been making up for lost years of travel in 2023, you might have seen a f... - #microcontrollers #ultrasonic #toolhacks #esp-now #hc-sr04 #esp32
#esp32 #hc #esp #toolhacks #ultrasonic #microcontrollers
Making Things Square in Three Dimensions - Measure twice, cut once is excellent advice when building anything, from carpentry... - #threedimensions #metalworking #toolhacks #carpentry #diagonals #welding #saddle #square #string #twist
#twist #string #square #saddle #welding #diagonals #carpentry #toolhacks #metalworking #threedimensions
Opening a Curta — With Great Care - We’ve always admired Curta mechanical calculators, and would be very hesitant to d... - #mechanicalcalculator #handheldshacks #toolhacks #teardown #curta
#curta #teardown #toolhacks #handheldshacks #mechanicalcalculator
Hackaday Prize 2023: Circuit Scout Lends a Hand (Or Two) for Troubleshooting - Troubleshooting a circuit is easy, right? All you need is a couple of hands to hol... - #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #troubleshooting #pickandplace #toolhacks #testing #gantry #kicad #probe #cnc #pcb #pnp
#pnp #pcb #cnc #probe #kicad #gantry #testing #toolhacks #pickandplace #troubleshooting #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize
USB-C Cable Tester is Compact and Affordable - We’ve all been bitten before by USB cables which were flaky, built for only chargi... - #testequipment #cabletester #techhacks #toolhacks #usbc #usb
#usb #usbc #toolhacks #techhacks #cabletester #testequipment
STM32 Oscilloscope Uses All the Features - [jgpeiro] is no slouch when it comes to building small, affordable oscilloscopes o... - #analogtodigital #microcontroller #oscilloscope #toolhacks #tftscreen #stm32 #adc
#adc #stm32 #tftscreen #toolhacks #oscilloscope #microcontroller #analogtodigital
No Need To Buy A Woodchipper – Build One! - Polish YouTuber WorkshopFromScratch finally got fed up with tripping over piles of... - #metalworking #woodchipper #toolhacks #gearmotor #hardware #c45steel #garden #steel
#steel #garden #c45steel #hardware #gearmotor #toolhacks #woodchipper #metalworking
Hackaday Prize 2023: Machining Metals with Sparks - Working with metals can present a lot of unique challenges even for those with a f... - #electricaldischargemachining #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #metalworking #electricity #toolhacks #machining #cutting #plasma #spark #edm
#edm #spark #plasma #cutting #machining #toolhacks #electricity #metalworking #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize #electricaldischargemachining