I've just finished my first cut at a tutorial for using #Forester, my tool for developing Stacks-like online Zettelkästen, reference books, and lecture notes for scientists, mathematicians, and students.
Title: “How to create your own Stacks Project in 10 minutes”
URL: https://www.jonmsterling.com/jms-0052.xml
#ToolsForThought #ToolsForMathematicalThought #PKM #Zettelkasten
#zettelkasten #pkm #toolsformathematicalthought #ToolsForThought #forester
Some exciting upgrades to #Forester coming in v2.2: https://www.jonmsterling.com/jms-005V.xml
(Might need to unload your browser cache, as some of the XSL templates have changed. Annoying!)
#toolsformathematicalthought #forester
Now added table of contents navigation to #Forester. This was possible in userland at the level of XSLT, so no change to the tool was necesssary.
#toolsformathematicalthought #forester
Making some progress on creating my own domain-specific markup language for forests… #ToolsForMathematicalThought
RIP me... I started thinking today about what the minimal markup language needed is for Stacks/Forest-style mathematical work. The goal here is to directly support what I have done some horrible hacks to Hugo and various markdown processors to achieve. A secondary goal is to remove all the things from Markdown that are ill-advised (including section headers: see https://forest.jonmsterling.com/trees/tfmt-000b/).
I started to write about the notion of “forests of evergreen notes”, and the authorship model that I employ for collaborative forests: https://forest.jonmsterling.com/trees/tfmt-000v/
Finally starting to be able to generate reasonable PDFs from my Forest... #ToolsForMathematicalThought
One thing that has been very interesting and exciting is for distinct "note-streams" to start to cross and interact with each other. For instance, my recent notes on monads are starting to intersect with my draft book on Relative Category Theory. #ToolsForMathematicalThought
Working in my Forest, where I can have everything interlinked and browsable, is such a joy... #ToolsForMathematicalThought
#Tusky, my #Mastodon #Client, has no easy way to show what Hashtags I'm #Following; I maintain a text file with them, but I got a better idea: posting them!
I'm #NowFollowing:
#MathInduction #MathArt #BeTheAlgorithm #ToolsForMathematicalThought
Post your hashtags, plus #NowFollowing, to share with us all.
#toolsformathematicalthought #BeTheAlgorithm #mathart #mathinduction #nowfollowing #following #client #mastodon #tusky
I just parallelized the rendering of SVGs from tikz in #Forester and wow this is so much better lol
#toolsformathematicalthought #forester
My new treatment of macro preambles has made #forester about a zillion times easier to use... #ToolsForMathematicalThought
#toolsformathematicalthought #forester
I've made a big improvement to to Forester's contextualization interface: when you click into a context, the present node is **highlighted** and you are scrolled directly to it. Something similar is done for backlinks.
Short demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1so2TEK8so
Several people asked why existing tools are inadequate for writing large bodies of professional mathematics in hypertext... I have started to update my notes to discuss the "table stakes" requirements for any tool for mathematical thought, as well as some discussion of how things might work in the future: https://www.jonmsterling.com/forest/trees/tfmt-000e/
@jonmsterling I watched the whole video and still am not clear why Obsidian, with certain plugins, would not be sufficient. #ToolsForMathematicalThought
I have been working on user interfaces for contextualizing mathematical ideas in my new tool called #Forester. Here is a quick video showing the basics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKTbDOZ5VeE
#toolsformathematicalthought #forester
@jcastroarnaud @nilesjohnson Oh good idea! I had been posting under #ToolsForMathematicalThought. Is that too general, or do you think it's suitable?
I have added this super cool command palette to my tool. #ToolsForMathematicalThought
Here's the command palette: https://github.com/ssleptsov/ninja-keys
Working on some pretty cool outline-style interactions for a port of jekyll-sheafy to Hugo that I am playing with. #ToolsForMathematicalThought