All about @re3data, the registry of research data repositories in 25 minutes (or less): Check out the talk by @ninaweis from @HelmholtzOpenScienceOffice as part of the @NFDI #ToolTalk series!
Re3data, a global registry of research data repositories (RDR), supports researchers, funding agencies, libraries, and data centers with finding, identifying and referencing RDR.
🎤 In our next #NFDI-#ToolTalk on 17 April Nina Weisweiler will give you more insights about "the place to be for RDR in NFDI".
âž¡ Youtube:
âž¡ Zoom (Register for the discussion part!):
#nfdi #tooltalk #fdm #rdm #data #researchdata
Just wrapped up a live session with Artur König ( and @mthierba on #ToolTalk! That was a lot of fun guys, thank you for having me on as a guest, and I'm looking forward to next time! 😊
If you missed the #LiveStream, don't worry, you can still watch the video on #LinkedIn ( or #YouTube (
#MicrosoftPowerBI #PowerBI #PowerBIDesktop #pbitools #PbiToolsWatchPS
#tooltalk #livestream #linkedin #YouTube #microsoftpowerbi #powerbi #powerbidesktop #pbitools #pbitoolswatchps
Our next #NFDI-#ToolTalk on 20 March at 4 PM is about the Research Data Management platform Coscine.
The service is made for the storage, management and archiving of research and metadata.
Speaker: Dr. Ilona Lang, RWTH Aachen University
ℹ Info:
âž¡ Our NFDI talk series:
#nfdi #tooltalk #fdm #fairdata #rdm #datamanagement #research
Hey #PowerBI peeps, I'll be on #ToolTalk with Artur König and @mthierba on Tuesday, March 21st.
We'll talking about a little #ExternalTool I wrote for #PowerBIDesktop called #PbiToolsWatchPS, which launches a #PowerShell window running #pbitools in #WatchMode on the current #pbix file. The purpose of this little tool is to minimize the effort and number of steps necessary to #commit changes to Power BI #reports and #datasets into a proper #VersionControl system like #GitHub, #AzureDevOps, etc.
Please join us #LIVE on Tuesday, March 21st, give us your thoughts about the current state of #CICD and #DevOps / #DataOps for Power BI, and tell us about your favorite #ToolsOfTheTrade!
RSVP for the #ToolTalk session on #LinkedIn here:
Download #pbitools here:
Download #PbiToolsWatchPS here:
#powerbi #tooltalk #externaltool #powerbidesktop #pbitoolswatchps #powershell #pbitools #watchmode #pbix #commit #Reports #datasets #versioncontrol #github #AzureDevOps #live #cicd #devops #dataops #toolsofthetrade #linkedin