Toto je #klimatickákrize .
Víme, co to způsobuje. Víme, která průmyslová odvětví to pohánějí.
Pojďme přijmout opatření ke snížení emisí již nyní.
#TooManyCars #TooManyCows
RT @GreenpeaceNZ
This is the #climatecrisis.
We know what causes it. We know which industries are driving it.
Demand action to cut emissions now.
#TooManyCars #TooManyCows
#klimatickakrize #toomanycars #toomanycows #climatecrisis
Also interesting to note that one reason behind the current bus delays is “more cars on the road”. #TooManyCars 😡
If you answered 0 you already won. If not, are you considering giving up one or more of your autoboxes?
#carDependency #NoCarNoProblem #tooManyCars
#carDependency #NoCarNoProblem #toomanycars
How many autoboxes or cars are there in your household? #carDependency
#NoCarNoProblem #tooManyCars
#carDependency #NoCarNoProblem #toomanycars
Now that we're back in evening commute darkness, heading along Lothian road on the bicycle has turned into a hellish experience for all but the most seasoned city cyclist. Horrible, and to think it was resurfaced only a few months ago! #toomanycars