postmarketOS's pmbootstrap has spoiled me. Going to work on a Mobile NixOS port and having to manually setup a package and such is a completely different workflow, with most of the workflow having been handled for me under postmarketOS.
Is there a tool like pmbootstrap for Mobile NixOS? If not, I have my next project.
#postmarketOS #mobileNixOS #lowendlibre #linux #toomanyhashtags #soupguylosingtheirmind
#soupguylosingtheirmind #toomanyhashtags #Linux #lowendlibre #mobilenixos #Postmarketos
In de tijd dat ik op de levering die 10000 kogeltjes van 1mm wacht, heb ik het bord alvast ontworpen. #quincux #inkscape #tinkercad #wiskunde #math #maths #mathematics #statistics #toomanyhashtags
#quincux #Inkscape #tinkercad #wiskunde #math #maths #mathematics #statistics #toomanyhashtags
Tawny Frogmouth \(^v^)/
Yes, that is a #Rilakkuma #coffee cup
#doubleshot #flatwhite
#hashtag #someta
#rilakkuma #coffee #unintentionallatteart #latteart #doubleshot #flatwhite #bonsoy #toomanyhashtags #hashtag #someta
Yet again a scrap of a #Simpsons picture Iโve never finished. Pretty messy one.
#lisasimpson #thesimpsons #bartsimpson #bart #lisa #rule34 #drawings #toomanyhashtags
#simpsons #lisasimpson #thesimpsons #bartsimpson #bart #lisa #rule34 #drawings #toomanyhashtags
I don't like systemd.
Not because I'm a nerd, but because I am too dumb to understand its commands. ๐
#toomanyhashtags #systemd #linuxmemes #linuxmeme #Linux
I don't like systemd.
Not because I a nerd, but because I am too dumb to understand its commands. ๐
#toomanyhashtags #systemd #linuxmemes #linuxmeme #Linux
I don't like systemd.
Not because I a nerd, but because I am too dumb to understand its commands. ๐
#toomanyhashtags #systemd #linuxmemes #linuxmeme #Linux
I'm teaching my first "Storytelling with art" class at the Arcata Playhouse Ourspace project today!
I'm calling it "Storytelling with sculpture and (free) digital tools".
The link goes to a quick storyboard I put together as an example, and to hopefully spark some interest for potential students.ย
#HashtagsAtTheEnd #ArcataPlayhouse #animation #animatics #art #OurspaceCommunityArts #Houseless #storyboard #dog #AlcoholicRabbit #toomanyhashtags!
#hashtagsattheend #arcataplayhouse #animation #animatics #art #ourspacecommunityarts #houseless #storyboard #dog #alcoholicrabbit #toomanyhashtags
Contrary to popular belief, Ubuntu Touch does seem to be at the point where it is daily drivable. I have been using it for a couple months now and it is smooth as margarine.
#ubuntu #UbuntuTouch #linux #tuxphone #halium #linmob #toomanyhashtags
#toomanyhashtags #linmob #halium #tuxphone #Linux #UbuntuTouch #Ubuntu
Would have graduated from PT today if I hadn't injured myself again... at PT.
#VeryGraceful #Klutz #ProneToInjury #PainInTheNeck #BackPain #CantCatchABreak #IShoulntSayBreakTooLoudly #Shhh #TooManyHashtags #ThePowersThatBeAreListening #OkayThisIsGettingOutOfHand #EnoughWithTheHashtags #RunningTheJokeIntoTheGround #ButSometimesThatsFunnyOnItsOwn #ButNotThisTime #HowDoIEndThis #IStillHaveCharactersLeft #OhForTheLoveOf #StopItJess #No #TalkingToMyself #LikeGollum #MyPrecious #500CharactersYet #Yes
#verygraceful #klutz #pronetoinjury #painintheneck #backpain #cantcatchabreak #ishoulntsaybreaktooloudly #shhh #toomanyhashtags #thepowersthatbearelistening #okaythisisgettingoutofhand #enoughwiththehashtags #runningthejokeintotheground #butsometimesthatsfunnyonitsown #butnotthistime #howdoiendthis #istillhavecharactersleft #ohfortheloveof #stopitjess #no #talkingtomyself #likegollum #myprecious #500charactersyet #yes
Next up on Taking More Time to Choose a Game Engine Than Making a Game:
"Monogame Drives Me Insane"
#monogame #GameDev #videogame #programming #csharp #ecs #dotnet #xna #toomanyhashtags
#toomanyhashtags #xna #dotnet #ECS #csharp #Programming #videogame #GameDev #monogame
all lit up. St. Pauls Cathedral is viewed from the south bank of the Thames, lit up by a break in an otherwise overcast sky. #photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
#photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
Steel beams arch across the Thames in London. They reach for the other side. A step on a much longer journey. #photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
#photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
life. Filled with motion, even when empty. The undercroft at the National Theatre, a favourite haunt of skaters. #photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
#photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
screaming at yellow
#photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
#photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
who is separated from what?
#photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
#photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
New series: My latest trip to London. Presented chronologically, I was coming down with a viral infection which exacerbated an already low mood. This is reflected in the tone of some of the pictures. #photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
#photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
@PaulDitz re: "too much sleep, not enough water, stand on 1 leg silently reciting alphabet backwards, etc":
Yes it's so freaking complicated. And almost anyone (incl: DOCTORS GRRRR! #ยง*%&โ!) rolls their eyes when u try to talk about it.
So, here is an article i love WAAAAAaaaaay too much:
(I laughed, I cried, i finally felt understood/ vindicated/ sane...!)
#HashtagsAtTheEnd #Science #ScienceFuckingMatters! #Diabetes #diabetesComplaints #diatribe #tooManyHashtags! ๐
#hashtagsattheend #science #sciencefuckingmatters #diabetes #diabetescomplaints #diatribe #toomanyhashtags
This is still an extremely frustrating game at times. I spend a lot of time not knowing what to do, just searching for things. And occasionally refer to a walkthrough when I feel too lost. My patience it not that great.
But I now have four of the eight instruments to play for the Wind Fish egg.
I never got this far back in the day.
#zelda #gameandwatch #linksawakening #gameboy #game #toomanyhashtags
#zelda #gameandwatch #linksawakening #gameboy #game #toomanyhashtags
My submission for #FensterFreitag - Student Life
#photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags
#fensterfreitag #photography #phototherapy #streetphotography #architecturephotography #geoffdunhamphotography #soclalengine #shamelesspromotion #toomanyhashtags