When you share numbers like "2000 per hour", if you don't give context to explain why that number is surprising or what challenges it causes, or why it's relevant to you or the audience, then it just comes across as yet another number
A million, a billion
A gigabyte, a petabyte
A millisecond, a nanosecond
It's hard to reason about numbers like these. Compare to a simple story: "our coffee shop was at capacity yesterday, and we have twice as many customers today!"
Saying "we had 1000 customers already today!" doesn't communicate much in comparison. So be like Samantha: tell a story with your numbers!
#BigNumbers #WhatAreNumbers #WhyAreNumbers #Storytelling #BanNumbers #TooManyHashtagsSorry #ForgiveMeImHungry #NomNomNums
#bignumbers #whatarenumbers #whyarenumbers #storytelling #bannumbers #toomanyhashtagssorry #forgivemeimhungry #nomnomnums
For those of you who don’t know, I develop a browser #extension in my spare time to help administer #Microsoft 365. I’m thinking about what’s next for the project, and I’d love your input on what you like, dislike, and would like to see added.
It’s called Centro 365, and is available for #Edge, #Chrome, #Firefox, #Opera and #Safari. (Tip: It’s an app for apple platforms, on the App Store)
Any thoughts or feedback is welcome. Thanks everyone 😊
#Centro365 #Microsoft365 #Azure #TooManyHashtagsSorry
#extension #microsoft #edge #chrome #firefox #opera #safari #centro365 #microsoft365 #azure #toomanyhashtagssorry