Cogito ergo mecagoendios · @elrohir
172 followers · 2762 posts · Server

Summer in Mara, Dragon Age Origins, Dark Souls... estes son varios xogos que teñen unha cousa en común: agora tan so os vexo como un tab de firefox coa sua wiki aberta, agardando que reanude as partidas que teño abandonadas desde hai mais de 6 meses.

#videogames #ihavenotime #toomanytabsopen

Last updated 1 year ago

littlemiao🌳✡️🌳 · @littlemiao
328 followers · 514 posts · Server

I bookmark things on mastodon because I want to read them more carefully when I have time, but then I never do. This may or may not be related to the fact that I have 129 tabs open on my phone browser. If anyone has a solution to this problem, please share.

#toomanytabsopen #bookmarks

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @wiredprairie
8 followers · 19 posts · Server

In this new year, I'm going to try Vertical tabs in Microsoft Edge for a while with hidden title bar also enabled. I do like that I can read the web site's title -- as I usually can only see the icon given the number of tabs opened....

The Arc browser apparently supports renaming a tab (which Edge currently does not).

#webbrowser #microsoftedge #toomanytabsopen #ux #newyear #trynewthings

Last updated 2 years ago

Emm Jay · @emm_jay
14 followers · 28 posts · Server

Ah shite. My brain just did that thing where it instantly opened 1.73K tabs and now I am simultaneously reviewing this afternoon's presentation, talking myself out of another degree, contemplating nordic animism, and considering whether or not it's time to go for a walk.

#canigohomenow #whybrainwhy #toomanytabsopen #mondaybrain

Last updated 2 years ago