@TruthSandwich @QasimRashid
Sorry I'm not (ever) into in depth political discussion, so can you simplify for me?
Are you cheerleading what Biden has done or the opposite?
Standing up for what Reagan did or the opposite?
It's still #BandcampFriday for another hour and change here on the West Coast and this new #Low cover is just about making me sob:
#ThreeInchesAboveTheFloor #TooManyWords #StorefrontChurch #PhoebeBridgers #MissYouMimi
#threeinchesabovethefloor #missyoumimi #phoebebridgers #storefrontchurch #toomanywords #low #BandcampFriday
It's still #BandcampFriday for another hour and change here on the West Coast and this new #Low cover is just about making me sob.
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 442px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/track=2946653251/size=large/bgcol=161718/linkcol=0561b0/tracklist=false/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://storefrontchurchmusic.bandcamp.com/track/words-as-originally-performed-by-low-featuring-phoebe-bridgers">Words (as originally performed by Low) - Featuring Phoebe Bridgers by Storefront Church</a></iframe>
#TooManyWords #StorefrontChurch #PhoebeBridgers #MissYouMimi
#missyoumimi #phoebebridgers #storefrontchurch #toomanywords #low #BandcampFriday