Happy 30th Duraniversary to Duran Duran’s single, “Too Much Information”. Released this week in 1993. #duranduran #duraniversary #WeddingAlbum #taylorrhodesleboncuccurullo #toomuchinformation #dilateyourmind #durandemonium #duraniesunited
#duranduran #duraniversary #weddingalbum #taylorrhodesleboncuccurullo #toomuchinformation #dilateyourmind #durandemonium #duraniesunited
I've got a nasty chest infection at the moment, just had a really bad coughing fit and ... actually cleared my airways.
This is #TooMuchInformation but also the best feeling in the whole world. Breathing in deep and not rattling.
I'm #TooMuchInformation * personified
Just as a #PSA :crazylaugh:
*IRL I will not talk much tho.
#stuffalcea #toomuchinformation #psa
Very useful phone consultation with a Gastroenterologist from the local #NHS hospital.
I am now waiting for a #colonoscopy and some more blood & faeces tests.
Yes, it looks like my #IBS / #IBSd symptoms are all down to #stress / #anxiety (as I thought, and have been for years)
#nhs #colonoscopy #ibs #ibsd #stress #anxiety #toomuchinformation
As you may know, your idiolect is your individual speech pattern / choice of words. It particularly includes any unusual or unique words or phrases you favor.
Today, from Bob's Idiolect:
Spongebob, verb: In lieu of a nice long shower, to perform, while standing up, a fast wash 'n' dry of one's sweatier bits. "We can leave in 10 minutes — just let me spongebob a bit."
#Words #Language #Idiolect #TicsAndQuirks #TooMuchInformation
#words #language #idiolect #ticsandquirks #toomuchinformation
This morning I got up and put on my slippers
I then put on an old flannel shirt because it's a little chilly out
I went downstairs, made a cup of coffee, and cooked some ham cheese and egg on an English muffin. I would take a picture but I already ate it.
Hooray, we’ve made it to #FluorescenceFriday! This week we are admiring the beauty of the mitotic spindle with the Pelegri lab at the University of Wisconsin. They show that Prc1l localises to the microtubule apparatus in metaphase and that it plays a role in microtubule reorganisation during cytokinesis.
#toomuchinformation #iykyk #zebrafish #devbio #cellbio #sciencemastodon
#fluorescenceFriday #toomuchinformation #IYKYK #zebrafish #DevBio #cellbio #sciencemastodon
I just realized that I’m reading 6 books at once right now. One of them is a novel, one for a Bible study, one for devotional, and three for my Biblical Counseling training. #TooMuchInformation
I just realized that I’m reading 6 books at once right now. One of them is a novel, one for a Bible study, one for devotional, and three for my Biblical Counseling training. #TooMuchInformation
Happy 30th Duraniversary to Duran Duran’s seventh album, ‘Duran Duran’ (also known as ‘The Wedding Album’). Released this week in 1993. #duranduran #duraniversary #WeddingAlbum #DDWA30 #taylorrhodesleboncuccurullo #ordinaryworld #comeundone #toomuchinformation #dilateyourmind
#duranduran #duraniversary #weddingalbum #ddwa30 #taylorrhodesleboncuccurullo #ordinaryworld #comeundone #toomuchinformation #dilateyourmind
If you lock two oversharers in a room and peep through the keyhole, there won't be anything to see. They'll just overshare 😂
Goodness, it's such a problem! I have algorithms used against this, and a list of keywords and topics to avoid. Mostly works with regular people but if you get another oversharer, oh boy 🙈😬
My ears might still be tinkling with embarrassment 😰 #oversharing #tooMuchInformation
#oversharing #toomuchinformation
Here's my tribute to #TerryJones also used as the centrefold for our local arts mag (😆), and tooted here as a reminder that one should always aspire to being #beyondcaring
#thicktrunktuesday #TerryJones #beyondcaring #toomuchinformation #montypython
The things we learned about Prince Harry from his memoir.....
Luulin, että vuoden surkein otsikko oli jo selvä peli, mutta totta kai potkupallo-otsikko veti suvereenisti maton muiden alta #toomuchinformation
Onko se nyt niin vai näin eli onko WhatsApp turvaton ja Telegram parempi, vai mitenkä tämä maailma nyt menee?
Miksei voisi olla vain yhtä totuutta, yhtä vastausta?
No ei tietenkään voisi vaikka meikäläiselle se olisi helpointa. Menee pää sekaisin ”tiedon virrassa” kun yksi sanoo yhtä ja toinen toista. Miten voi tietää kuka puhuu totta?
Sama juttu ravitsemuksen kanssa, mistä voin olla varma kenen tuuttaama totuus on totta?
#toomuchinformation #autisticproblems
#toomuchinformation The funny thing is is my husband is a nutritionist by trade and an amazing cook. I've always hated cooking but recently I quit my job. My spare time and trying not to feel guilty about sitting on my a** I've started to explore cooking and for the 1st time I'm actually enjoying it. Wish I could retire but we probably have another 10 years to go so this self inflected sabbatical ends in a month or 2.
Az előbb épp egyeztetjük egy vevővel, hogy miket szeretne venni, közben panaszkodik, hogy olyan munkát kell csinálnia, amihez nem ért. Majd rámnéz, és ezt mondja: "Nem baj, kifejezetten szeretek szopni."
#storytime #toomuchinformation
Aus der Not heraus hab ich mal* ein Bett erfunden, das seine Bolzen selbständig laufend festzieht.
#thingsyoudidntknowaboutme #toomuchinformation