@Fuchskind Am schlimmsten sind aber die Leute, die nicht verstehen wollen, dass diese Mehrfachpräsenzen für viele von uns nicht nur beruflich notwendig sind, sondern teils auch privat wichtige Räume.
Oh, und dass auf jeder Plattform das Spiel "aber WIR HIER sind die Coolsten" gespielt wird. Gibts nicht vielleicht doch andere Sachen, über die sich ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl schaffen lässt? Die weniger normativ für die sind, die anders ticken, aber trotzdem gern dabei wären? #TooOldForThisShit
Turns out trying to figure out how to get GZDoom and ZDl working with all the mods and wads I have is too much for me.
I'm officially old. #dosgames #sourceports #DOOM #toooldforthisshit
#dosgames #sourceports #doom #toooldforthisshit
Tune in for part two - is my arthritis going to allow me to hand-stitch that mofo together? #TooOldForThisShit
Et donc cette année le grand ne va plus au centre de loisirs. Et sa môman craint plus que tout qu'il ne s'ennuie pendant ces vacances. Du coup ce matin, "Tiens, si tu l'emmenais faire un petit tour de vélo?".
Et ça s'est fini par un petit tour de 40km. La dernière fois que j'ai pédalé aussi longtemps doit remonter à avant mon droit de vote. Je suis souffrance. Mais j'ai ma première trace GPX pour le justifier.
#velo #ouch #bougetonbody #toooldforthisshit
In the mid-to-late 90s, finding a job in tech was pretty easy, and I never interviewed more than once when I did need a job.
When I quit a gig in 2001, I saw things tightening but didn't give it much thought. Instead, I started freelancing, which ended up being 14 years of independence that I enjoyed.
I noticed the slowdown in 2008, and that one hurt as companies pulled back from external consultants.
Now? Now I'm fucking terrified of this fucked up environment we're in.
Since I'll be 50 this summer, had to get this new #Tee 😎
#Yoda #TooOldForThisShit
@scudery bon j'avais pas vu mais après c'est rafting et saut à l'élastique : c'est non pour moi
@MibIH @AntBit @ArghZombies @EyeForFilm @TheNakedAirplane @Themcfluffy @ClaireEyles @antovolk @megalomaniac @stokes @miloafc @RufusTSuperfly @fernby @MythicJill @RobbieMarka @Cinemacabre @uncutrobcast @Ghostlight_Ross @filmfileuk @AndrewPope @TheCraggus
Thank you, as ever. I am currently dying after another super-busy Friday at work AND then a 5k at the gym after.
Wake up, stretch, hear a crunch between my shoulders. Ah, sweet, yes I would like to add back pain to my broken rib. #broken #cyclist #mtb #TooOldForThisShit
#broken #cyclist #mtb #toooldforthisshit
Starò invecchiando ma tutta questa cattiveria, queste battute, o le critiche a tutti i costi, non le sopporto più.
Forse è anche per questo che ho chiuso @tiragraffi.
Well, I should shower so we can get to school. Maybe if I just put on enough deodorant, I can skip? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 (I’m so tired I don’t want to move.)
#University #work #Meetings #school #toooldforthisshit
We are getting insane ice dams on the house this year... I just got down from shoveling snow off our roof for the last four hours and am T otally knackered! #MNastodon #TooOldForThisShit
Hype! Hype! Hype! :burn: ¡Taquicardiaaaaaaaaaaa! Aunque me encanta LP :neko_nyaan:
#TooOldForThisShit https://tidal.com/track/83373311
It's "fuck you"-cold in Iowa today, folks. Just waiting for my glasses to fully de-fog before driving home from the store! #TooOldForThisShit #TransPOC #BlackMastadon
#toooldforthisshit #transpoc #blackmastadon
Imma gonna get drunk and make dubious life choices.
#Midlife #gonnaregretthehangover #toooldforthisshit #shouldknowbetter #fridaynight
Imma gonna get drunk and make dubious life choices.
#Midlife #gonnaregretthehangover #toooldforthisshit #shouldknowbetter #fridaynight
@zaythelegend I try to remember that if people are talking about me it’s because I’m more interesting than them. That sucks though, hate feeling that way about family. At least grandma was direct #tooOldForThisShit
Listen, I’m #over40. If I help you move at this stage of my life, it’s because we big big friends. I’m gonna keep coming back, over and over again like the #herpes of your friend group, because I’m invested in this #friendship. And also maybe because my back hurts now and you have #muscle relaxers.
#pulledamuscle #mybackhurts #toooldforthisshit #outofshape #amideadyet #whydidiagreetothis
#over40 #herpes #friendship #muscle #pulledamuscle #mybackhurts #toooldforthisshit #outofshape #amideadyet #whydidiagreetothis
Man, all these Mastodon clients remind me of the early Twitter years. Y'all remember third party Twitter clients? I mean some still exist but not to the degree they did then. Any how #BackInMyDay #TooOldForThisShit
#backinmyday #toooldforthisshit