@qburns me too. Thought it would be as slow and challenging as his brilliant #TooOldToDieYoung but compared to that, #CopenhagenCowboy zips along.
#toooldtodieyoung #copenhagencowboy
Looking forward to #CopenhagenCowboy by #NWR on #Netflix. Need more slow shots of people standing still in neon light like #TooOldToDieYoung. Marvellous.
#copenhagencowboy #nwr #netflix #toooldtodieyoung
So watching the first ep. of #TooOldToDieYoung and it's definitely a NWR piece. The weakest bit of it so far is the dialogue. There's so much:
"Do this."
"You're an asshole."
"Are you okay?"
I am getting more presentation-focus than narrative. It's messy.
Copenhagen Cowboy: su Netflix la serie noir di Nicolas Winding Refn #copenhagencowboy #Drive #Netflix @NetflixIT #NicolasWindingRefn #onlygodforgives #Pusher #RyanGosling #toooldtodieyoung #22luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2lha2NsdWIuaXQvMjAyMi8wNy8yMi9jb3BlbmhhZ2VuLWNvd2JveS1uaWNvbGFzLXdpbmRpbmctcmVmbi8/dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1yc3MmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1yc3MmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWNvcGVuaGFnZW4tY293Ym95LW5pY29sYXMtd2luZGluZy1yZWZu
#22luglio #toooldtodieyoung #ryangosling #pusher #onlygodforgives #NicolasWindingRefn #netflix #drive #copenhagencowboy
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Bapatean #TooOldToDieYoung dioen abestia gogoratu dut. 🤦♂️