@HangFireBooks @ElizabethLeeCo
While not the same feature, #Tooots for #iOS has a "mute toots and replies" which may be able to be used to remove yourself from your home feed, maybe?
It's the best alternative for Fedilab for us #iOS users, imo.
six different #Mastodon apps for #Android.😂
Wofür gibt es diese #Apps? #Nutzen Was habbe ich davon? Was bringt das für die Qualität meiner Beiträge? #tooots #tröten #hessensocial
#hessensocial #troten #tooots #nutzen #Apps #android #mastodon
Morning Toooters ❣
Happy FriYAY!
The sun is shining here & I'm trying to get my ducks in a row to release my next newsletter.
Mobile office day while the girls are both in school. What is a necessity in your mobile office?
For me, my ReMarkable2 tablet. I can hand write, convert it to text, email it, & no typing needed!! 🥳 and no internet distraction.
Enjoy your FriYay Toooters ❣
#Tooots #Newsletter #MorningTooots
#FriYay #ReMarkable2
#DucksInARow #MyWritingJourney
#MyWritingJourney #ducksinarow #remarkable2 #friyay #mobileoffice #morningtooots #newsletter #tooots
Good Morning Toooters!
What magic are you going to delve in today?
Mine is Dong Ding Oolong 😉
Today, 3 is taking me on an adventure walk with her pre-k class before lunch.
Then Newsletter updates for me before I polish & hit send & NaNo time. Depended on 3's rest time. 😂😂😂
#Magic #Newsletter #Tooots #ILoveToTooot
#alwaysteatime #toootsmygooots #ilovetotooot #tooots #newsletter #magic
checking out a couple other Mastodon clients (android)
the native webpage "app" in mobile view is pretty good (6, but sometimes 7)
the #the official #mastodon app is pretty good (7, but sometimes 6)
the #tooots app is great (9, sometimes 8)
the #tusky app is pretty good (i didn't goof off with it very long, because i started enjoying #tooots)
right now with #tooots november update i think i might prefer it.
The “Newer from here” pull to refresh option in @tooot is a genius idea with great discoverability. As a timeline completionist, that’s exactly what I want 90+% of the time!
#mastodonclients #mastodontips #tooots #iOS