Toots sent with this hashtag mstdnSocialEdFoss20230504 can be considered a TootCast which is just a convenience for organizing toots.
More details of how to setup a #LookupAccount will be provided in another #TootCast.
#tootcast #lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
@mattblaze -reporting live there, where we still have no reliable news from/about/inside #twitter even now.
Chaos is plainly evident from over the #bigBlueWall here at #mastodon #tower in our #tootcast studios. I can see large, obvious gaps but nobody dares venture close anymore.
Everything in sight is hardwired with gelignite pods, including the Userbase Restraint Force Content Collars around the necks of-
#support #digital #refugees
#twitter #bigbluewall #mastodon #tower #tootcast #support #digital #refugees #radiofreeeurope #mastodonfreetwitter
Ah mais ils ont mis un nouveau #podcast sur la Salle 101 !
(Salle101, l'émission science fictionnesque de #FPP présentée par des punks à chien atrabilaires)
Allez hop je pars écouter !
#podcast #fpp #pouetcast #tootcast